Anon's Progress

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Anon's Progress Empty Anon's Progress

Post by Not Anon Sun Aug 16, 2020 6:15 pm

I've just started a new account on osrs after a long break and thought it would be cool to track my progress here.

Starting with 1 bond and 2m cash that i found on my old account, let's see how far i can get!

I thought my first goal would be to obtain the barrows gloves, but seeing as i'm unable to buy membership with irl money, my first goal will be unlocking a decent money maker so that I can maintain membership. For that reason I decided to get level 63 hunter so i can start catching red chinchompas for some profit.

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Anon's Progress Empty Re: Anon's Progress

Post by Syllabic Sun Aug 16, 2020 7:08 pm

Saw your post in #advice-srs earlier. Interesting strategy! I actually quite enjoy hunting red chins, so I'm all for it. Potential for some variety there as well if you decide you'd like to learn how to tick manipulate.

Best of luck, and keep us updated Smile Would be super cool to nab the Hunter cape as your first, provided you're able to stand it for that long.

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Anon's Progress Empty Re: Anon's Progress

Post by Tinnitus Sun Aug 16, 2020 8:33 pm

Glad you see you thought of a good strategy very quickly! Red chins are definitely one of the better money makers early on with hunter. I'm guessing you'll be pretty motivated to level hunter if that's your main source of income for funding bonds, at least for now. Best of luck!

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Anon's Progress Empty Re: Anon's Progress

Post by OmniRick Sun Aug 16, 2020 10:23 pm

If Hunter doesn't pan out, there's always Runecrafting Smile

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Anon's Progress Empty Re: Anon's Progress

Post by Not Anon Mon Aug 17, 2020 9:37 am

Hey! Thanks for the support everyone.

Been alternating between doing some quests and training hunter.

Currently level 29 hunter, hoping to get at least level 50 today, and level 63 tomorrow.

Quests done (in order of completion) [29 qp atm]:
Imp catcher
Witch's potion
Witch's house
Waterfall quest
Tree gnome village
Fight arena
Doric's quest
The knight's sword
The tourist trap
Eagle's peak
Plague city
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Anon's Progress Empty Re: Anon's Progress

Post by Not Anon Mon Aug 17, 2020 9:42 pm

Thought i would get only 50 hunter today, ended up getting 63.

I have a few options now.

Hunt red chins up to level 80 >>> +7.6m
Hunt red chins up to level 85 >>> +13.6m
Hunt red chins up to level 90 >>> +23.5m
Hunt red chins up to level 99 >>> +59.9m

I will most likely stop at level 90, as i feel like 23m is more than enough to work on my next goals.

What next goals you might ask?

99 smithing at blast furnace.

Why? Well easy. Let's do some quick mathz:

30-70 with steel bars = 52,866 bars = 7.7m profit
70-99 with adamant bars = 327,915 bars = 128.8m profit


However, there are some things i need to do before starting blast furnace:

> Get a coal bag from mlm
> Get full graceful
> Get the ice gloves

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Anon's Progress Empty Re: Anon's Progress

Post by OmniRick Mon Aug 17, 2020 9:50 pm

Why not do runite bars after 85 smithing?

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Anon's Progress Empty Re: Anon's Progress

Post by Syllabic Tue Aug 18, 2020 3:45 am

Good lord, best of luck. Blast Furnace is excellent money, but I found it to be absolutely brutal. Probably worth it if money is a serious enough motivator, but I could never handle it long enough to make it worthwhile. My vote would still be for 99 Hunter somewhere down the line, but it's certainly not an ideal grind while you're still trying to make ends meet.

Anyway, keep it up. Great progress so far!

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Anon's Progress Empty Re: Anon's Progress

Post by Not Anon Tue Aug 18, 2020 6:51 am

OmniRick wrote:Why not do runite bars after 85 smithing?

I would have to go to the grand exchage to sell my bars and buy more ores every 20 minutes Razz

Syllabic wrote:Good lord, best of luck. Blast Furnace is excellent money, but I found it to be absolutely brutal. Probably worth it if money is a serious enough motivator, but I could never handle it long enough to make it worthwhile. My vote would still be for 99 Hunter somewhere down the line, but it's certainly not an ideal grind while you're still trying to make ends meet.

Anyway, keep it up. Great progress so far!

Oh well, the original plan was 99 hunter, but i'm quite disappointed at chins... At level 63 i was getting 45k xp/h, which is about 170 chins/h, which is only 212k gp/h.

I think i'm going to get 80 hunter at the salamanders, and then try chins again to see if it's any better. Should only take me a couple days to get to 80.
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Anon's Progress Empty Re: Anon's Progress

Post by 11 Eleven Tue Aug 18, 2020 7:31 am

Herbi is a great hunter method, especially with Runelite. I found it way less grindy than chins and also the chance at the pet

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Anon's Progress Empty Re: Anon's Progress

Post by Not Anon Tue Aug 18, 2020 7:44 pm

Woke up today and did 63-70 hunter at the salamanders, and after that decided to go to the red chinchompas.

Here is the end result of day 3 since i made the account:
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Anon's Progress Empty Re: Anon's Progress

Post by Tinnitus Tue Aug 18, 2020 7:57 pm

Nice man! At this rate, you'll definitely be able to sustain bonds. Honestly pretty shocked with your progress. You've a done a nice mix of quests in combination with hunter gains in just a few days. Keep it up Smile

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Anon's Progress Empty Re: Anon's Progress

Post by Not Anon Wed Aug 19, 2020 7:22 pm

Day 4 results:

2574 red chins (3,346,200gp)
682k xp

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