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Post by rivoku Sun Jul 12, 2020 8:44 pm

I've been in the cc for a while, so I figured now was a good time to introduce myself. I'm Jordan. I've played RS for about 12 years now, and am just getting back in to OSRS. I mainly enjoy bossing even though I haven't even tried the big ones (nightmare, cox, etc...) I'm looking forward to joining a helpful community and making friends. Nice to meet you all!

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Hello! Empty Re: Hello!

Post by Syllabic Sun Jul 12, 2020 8:54 pm

You finally made it on here, Jordan. Nice to see ya. And welcome back to the game! Plenty of opportunities to get into bossing in the CC these days. Not sure if you've been able to tag along for any of the learner events  (notably the Weekly Saturday Mass), but those sound like they'd be right up your alley. TurtleWurdle does learned CoX pretty frequently as well, so if you're not on the Discord server already and think you'd like to participate, I'd recommend joining up Smile Great choice if you're wanting to get to know people in the clan a bit better as well, since we do group voice chats and stuff pretty often.

What other stuff are you into in-game these days? Got anything specific you're working towards skill-wise, as opposed to PVM? I just cracked 2k total today myself, which pretty much forces me to address my next big goal sooner rather than later: 77 Runecraft. Which is probably gonna take me about a year at the rate I'm going, but oh well. Progress is progress.

As for other bosses, I'm not the most knowledgeable, but I'd be down to run some Corp or GWD sometime if you like. Feel free to hit me up in-game if you ever get the urge FeelsOkayMan

Hello! Ineeda10

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Hello! Empty Re: Hello!

Post by rivoku Sun Jul 12, 2020 9:02 pm

Thanks for the offer, I'll definitely take you up on that sometime!

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Hello! Empty Re: Hello!

Post by rivoku Mon Jul 13, 2020 12:14 am

As far as other goals, right now I’m working on diaries, Runecrafting , and finishing up the quest point cape, as well as building up some decent gear for bossing.

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Post by Syllabic Mon Jul 13, 2020 12:23 am

All good choices. Been really slacking on questing and diaries myself. I think I'm hovering somewhere around 235 QP (still have most of the major ones to do), and the less said about my progress in those other two areas the better, lol. Which quests do you have left?

Best of luck building that cash stack, by the way. Hopefully you'll be able to dive in before too long Smile

Hello! Ineeda10

Hello! NuD0cpJ

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Post by Tinnitus Mon Jul 13, 2020 12:53 am

Yo Jordan,

Glad you decided to sign up on the offfsite! I definitely second Syllabic's offer to check out Turtle's learner raids. Not sure what your gear/stats are, but he pretty much takes anyone as long as you can be in voice chat (discord, don't need a mic). I attended many of them, and now I can say I feel somewhat 'comfortable' doing CoX if that's something you are interested in. I still die at Olm (final boss fight) sometimes, but more often than not I don't! I absolutely encourage you to spend the effort and learn CoX if you are remotely interested in it. I died a lot at first, but have had SO much fun in the process. Just got my first purple recently today - a Dinhs, not the greatest, but awesome for me to use at wildy altar Smile. It's been such a joyful night raiding with some of my buddies, and I hope you can experience it soon. I'm not used to PvMing with others (ironmeme btw) and it is absolutely awesome! This isn't limited to CoX btw (well, it is for me lol), but any PvM with friendly peeps is great.

Good luck on your diary goals as well. Catch you in the cc!

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Post by Johno Mon Jul 13, 2020 6:28 am

Hi Jordan! welcome to the clan Smile I am yet to do the big bosses yet either. I plan on doing them when I max my combat stats, Perhaps we could learn together when you're ready Smile

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Post by Spiritika Mon Jul 13, 2020 8:51 am

Hi Jordan! Like you, I've played RuneScape for years - since 2006 for me. I didn't get into OSRS until around the time it was released on mobile and am enjoying it immensely. I'm fairly new to the clan but in the time I've been here, everyone has been friendly and helpful. This is a great clan! Smile

Good luck on your bossing and on reaching your other goals.

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Post by Maria Kati Mon Jul 13, 2020 9:35 am

Welcome Jordan I know you will enjoy the fam!
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Post by COCOMARBELLA Mon Jul 13, 2020 6:22 pm

Hi Rivo Very Happy

Welcome to OSRS Advice and Runescape!

Oh boy have you hit the jackpot with runescape clans as you've stumbled on the most helpful clan on runescape! Each and every member is a valuable core to our clan they all help and respect every member of the clan whether they are a lvl 3 starter or a maxed account if you ever have any questions just ask and you will get so many responses and help from many members of our clan including myself. feel free to chat in game or on our discord server or even if you see us around just come and say hi! Very Happy

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Post by Soldier J 9 Mon Jul 13, 2020 8:07 pm

Heya Rivoku! I've seen ya in the cc for a bit. Welcome to the offsite! Looking forward to bossing with ya sometime. Good luck on your runescape goals

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Hello! Empty Re: Hello!

Post by rivoku Mon Jul 13, 2020 9:52 pm

Thanks for the welcome guys and gals!

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