Sat 7/11 @ 11PM EST (Sun 3AM UTC) - Nerdd's Memorial Bandos Boss Mass

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Sat 7/11 @ 11PM EST (Sun 3AM UTC) - Nerdd's Memorial Bandos Boss Mass Empty Sat 7/11 @ 11PM EST (Sun 3AM UTC) - Nerdd's Memorial Bandos Boss Mass

Post by Guitarist141 Mon Jul 06, 2020 8:07 pm

Event: Bandos Mass
When: Saturday July 11 @ 11PM EST (Sunday 3AM UTC) - Enter the doors on-time, so get KC or Ecu keys in advance please
Length: One hour event

Some of you may heard the news that our fellow member Im A Nerdd passed away after being diagnosed with lymphoma. His significant other and cc member, IPalpatine (name changed to HanCantSolo), mentioned to me that Nerdd and Palp wanted to duo Bandos together once he got the combat levels. Unfortunately, Nerdd passed on before they could achieve this goal.

So with Palp's blessing (thank you), Turtle and I wanted to put together this memorial event in Nerdd's name. Let's go together with Palp and help her change Banjo's strings! I mean, show Bandos what-for! Let us show our love and support for Palp and help add a little positivity & support in this difficult time for her.

I mentioned this to Palp already; I'll remember Nerdd for his kindness. He never hesitated to proffer gifts to those in need or host some off-the-cuff HNS event with generous prizes. Before he went to the hospital for treatment, he gave me an item from an HNS event that I will keep and think about him every time I go to use it. Or, when he asked me to help transfer some big-ticket items over to Palp's account in secret in order to surprise her on the next log-in.

Let's help Palp get the first KC of the night (I think I can tank it!) to start off our event in a good direction!
Then, prep your DClaws to see who can kill him the fastest... Smile

On a final note: my condolences, Palp. A small piece of Nerdd will stay with me, so he'll always be with me while I play.

Last edited by Guitarist141 on Wed Jul 08, 2020 3:00 pm; edited 1 time in total

Sat 7/11 @ 11PM EST (Sun 3AM UTC) - Nerdd's Memorial Bandos Boss Mass YP5zkAJ

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Post by Syllabic Mon Jul 06, 2020 8:17 pm

Always good to see more group activities, though I desperately wish circumstances were happier. Goes without saying that we all feel for Palp right now. Good on you for leading the charge here, Guitar. Here's hoping we can make this special for her.

Sat 7/11 @ 11PM EST (Sun 3AM UTC) - Nerdd's Memorial Bandos Boss Mass Ineeda10

Sat 7/11 @ 11PM EST (Sun 3AM UTC) - Nerdd's Memorial Bandos Boss Mass NuD0cpJ

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Post by Tinnitus Mon Jul 06, 2020 8:38 pm

This is the true definition of being community-focused and there for the community, Guitar. Thanks for taking the initiative on this. We will be ready to slay some bandos in Nerd's honor! I know if he were here he would appreciate it. Palp, we are all here for you. <3

Sat 7/11 @ 11PM EST (Sun 3AM UTC) - Nerdd's Memorial Bandos Boss Mass 4068HaS

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Post by Avallan Tue Jul 07, 2020 12:13 am

This is such a lovely idea, I never had the pleasure of meeting or knowing Nerdd but I'd like to send out my deepest sympathy and condolences to his partner IPalpatine and all that did know him, I will endeavour to do my best to make this event <3

Sat 7/11 @ 11PM EST (Sun 3AM UTC) - Nerdd's Memorial Bandos Boss Mass YP5zkAJ

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Post by The_Gamed Tue Jul 07, 2020 9:10 am

I will sadly be working days and have to miss this, my deepest condolences to all. <3

Sat 7/11 @ 11PM EST (Sun 3AM UTC) - Nerdd's Memorial Bandos Boss Mass 4068HaS

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Post by ladybird2 Tue Jul 07, 2020 9:34 am

How very touching......I had no idea that IPalpatine ( I am sorry we havent spoken, maybe its a time zone thing) was Nerdd's partner, or that he was battling I apologise and am grateful to all of you who make a difference and wear your hearts on your sleeve and show how much members of our clan family are loved and valued.
Heartfelt condolences to family and friends. I am sure you will do him proud with your event and have some fun in his name at this very sad time. Much pm is always open I love you

Sat 7/11 @ 11PM EST (Sun 3AM UTC) - Nerdd's Memorial Bandos Boss Mass NuD0cpJ

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Post by twobviku Tue Jul 07, 2020 9:38 am

This is an absolutely amazing idea, unfortunately I wont be able to participate due to the time (5 AM in Europe). But ill definitely be there in spirit!

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Sat 7/11 @ 11PM EST (Sun 3AM UTC) - Nerdd's Memorial Bandos Boss Mass Empty Re: Sat 7/11 @ 11PM EST (Sun 3AM UTC) - Nerdd's Memorial Bandos Boss Mass

Post by COCOMARBELLA Tue Jul 07, 2020 12:23 pm

Im A nerd was such a good guy Sad he had great humour and was one of the names I remember the most from when I joined the cc a year ago. This is really sad to hear and honestly with my heart I wish the family patience in this difficult time and pay them my respects and to palpetine too I can not imagine what she will be going through but I do know what it is like to lose someone so close <3 R.I.P buddy <3 Crying or Very sad

Sat 7/11 @ 11PM EST (Sun 3AM UTC) - Nerdd's Memorial Bandos Boss Mass OUwuWDK

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Post by TurtleWurdle Fri Jul 10, 2020 7:32 pm

My condolences to Nerdd, HanCantSolo and their family.

I didn't see Nerdd on that often, but when he was on he was always hosting parties in Falador or giving stuff out at the GE. The last time I saw him on, he hosted a hide and seek for a necklace of anguish which I won. I'll always remember him when I use it.

So I hope we'll have a good trip at Bandos tomorrow night and get an unique or pet in his honour. I'll be on discord before the event if anyone needs help gearing or inventory setup. Only hard requirements are 70 Strength and the Death Plateau quest.

Sat 7/11 @ 11PM EST (Sun 3AM UTC) - Nerdd's Memorial Bandos Boss Mass U7euiv5

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Post by Spiritika Sat Jul 11, 2020 11:10 am

Since I'm fairly new to the clan, I didn't really know Nerdd. In the short time I was in the clan chat when he was, I remember his positivity even in the face of his illness and treatment.

I think it's great that Guitarist and Turdle set up this event to honor the memory of Nerdd and to show support for IPalpatine. I'm unable to attend the Bandos memorial event since I don't have 70 strength but hope that it goes well.

My deepest condolences to IPalpatine and to Nerdd's friends and family.

Sat 7/11 @ 11PM EST (Sun 3AM UTC) - Nerdd's Memorial Bandos Boss Mass YP5zkAJ

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Post by Guitarist141 Sun Jul 12, 2020 6:59 pm

What a fantastic showing of support from everyone in the CC! I think the event went very well and I have to thank everyone for making that possible!

After smashing Bandos' banjo for an hour (with Turtle dropping piles of 250k coins all night, Nerdd-style) we moved to the party room for another Nerdd-style event! We train walked over to the makeover mage so Palp could give herself a fresh look. Finally, we walked over to the GE and finished with a huge dance party, cha-cha'ing and congoing all over the GE.

What an amazing community everyone has built! I am proud and happy to be here, and look forward to calling out hey to everyone each day.    I love you

Sat 7/11 @ 11PM EST (Sun 3AM UTC) - Nerdd's Memorial Bandos Boss Mass 110
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Sat 7/11 @ 11PM EST (Sun 3AM UTC) - Nerdd's Memorial Bandos Boss Mass YP5zkAJ

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Post by Soldier J 9 Sun Jul 12, 2020 7:19 pm

My condolences to the family and Ipalpatine/HanCantSolo. I very briefly talked to Nerdd, but I do know the senator Smile I'm so sorry I couldn't make the event in honor of Nerdd, but It looks like everyone did well honoring Nerdd. Rest easy, osrs family member.

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Sat 7/11 @ 11PM EST (Sun 3AM UTC) - Nerdd's Memorial Bandos Boss Mass Empty Re: Sat 7/11 @ 11PM EST (Sun 3AM UTC) - Nerdd's Memorial Bandos Boss Mass

Post by Syllabic Sun Jul 12, 2020 7:26 pm

Thanks for the screenies, Guitar. Happy see that you recorded everything so well. I took a couple of my own, but when I went to post them last night I realized I'd saved over them Sad

Thank you again for hosting, and to everyone that came out. I think that was as good a send-off as any of us could hope for Pepo Hugs

Sat 7/11 @ 11PM EST (Sun 3AM UTC) - Nerdd's Memorial Bandos Boss Mass Ineeda10

Sat 7/11 @ 11PM EST (Sun 3AM UTC) - Nerdd's Memorial Bandos Boss Mass NuD0cpJ

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Post by Spiritika Sun Jul 12, 2020 7:56 pm

Since I wasn't able to attend the event, I appreciate seeing the screenies. I especially love the flowers in the Bandos room and the blue hearts in the party room. What a wonderful tribute to Nerdd and a way to show support for IPalpatine. <3

Sat 7/11 @ 11PM EST (Sun 3AM UTC) - Nerdd's Memorial Bandos Boss Mass YP5zkAJ

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Post by Bodjery Sun Jul 12, 2020 9:39 pm

What an amazing memorial we had yesterday night!
Guitarist you were just increadible!

I was talking for a bit with Leia, and I know she felt all what was done yesterday very emotional, and was also so happy we were all for her there.

I had taken some screens too, and wanted to share them .

Thanks to all, it was increadible. I wish I could hug HanCantSolo, to make her feel taken care of, but I am sure she could laugh a bit with all of us yesterday.


Sat 7/11 @ 11PM EST (Sun 3AM UTC) - Nerdd's Memorial Bandos Boss Mass YP5zkAJ

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Post by Bodjery Sun Jul 12, 2020 9:39 pm

PS I wanted to send some images, but the server doesn't upload the, any idea why?

Sat 7/11 @ 11PM EST (Sun 3AM UTC) - Nerdd's Memorial Bandos Boss Mass YP5zkAJ

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Sat 7/11 @ 11PM EST (Sun 3AM UTC) - Nerdd's Memorial Bandos Boss Mass Empty Re: Sat 7/11 @ 11PM EST (Sun 3AM UTC) - Nerdd's Memorial Bandos Boss Mass

Post by Guitarist141 Sun Jul 12, 2020 10:39 pm

Bod, if there is some trouble to upload the pictures here to the forums, you can send them to me in Discord and I can add them for you. Smile

Sat 7/11 @ 11PM EST (Sun 3AM UTC) - Nerdd's Memorial Bandos Boss Mass YP5zkAJ

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