vRendorb the Newb

Soldier J 9
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vRendorb the Newb Empty vRendorb the Newb

Post by vRendorb Mon Jun 29, 2020 7:39 pm


I am vRendorb. I have been playing runescape since 05, but as we all know we come and we go. I enjoy playing the game to get away from things in life that swamp us down, me it's my kids and my job. (The pandemic as well😢 ) I hope to make some more friends on the game to create adventures with. My goal as of now is to make it to 2k total. But at this pace it's going to be a year.

Feel free to reach out to me on the game for any help or just want to chat to someone.


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vRendorb the Newb Empty Re: vRendorb the Newb

Post by Soldier J 9 Mon Jun 29, 2020 7:45 pm

Welcome to the clan vRendorb!

I look forward to hanging with ya in the chat. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me. My private is always open. Best of luck on your 2k total journey!

Soldier J 9
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vRendorb the Newb Empty Re: vRendorb the Newb

Post by vRendorb Mon Jun 29, 2020 7:50 pm

Thanks! Can't wait for events and to meet some people!

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vRendorb the Newb Empty Re: vRendorb the Newb

Post by COCOMARBELLA Mon Jun 29, 2020 7:55 pm

awww nice to meet you! Smile defo come and say hi if you see me in game! Very Happy would love to be friends also feel free to chat in the cc there's so many awesome personalities trust me you will meet some awesome people and by reading your introduction I can tell you'll fit in June fine with this wild bunch Very Happy

vRendorb the Newb OUwuWDK

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vRendorb the Newb Empty Re: vRendorb the Newb

Post by vRendorb Mon Jun 29, 2020 7:59 pm

Thanks! Time to get the kiddos to bed! Hope to be on tonight to meet some more people!

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vRendorb the Newb Empty Re: vRendorb the Newb

Post by COCOMARBELLA Mon Jun 29, 2020 8:01 pm

awww bless! Very Happy its bout time I got myself to bed as well haha its 2am gosh! have fun in game and feel free to come and say hi! Very Happy

vRendorb the Newb OUwuWDK

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vRendorb the Newb Empty Re: vRendorb the Newb

Post by Syllabic Mon Jun 29, 2020 8:02 pm

Hey dude, welcome. Runescape has always been one of my go-to "getaway games". Surprisingly easy to lose yourself in a long grind, watching numbers gradually go up. The clan chat's become a big part of that experience for me as well. Everyone works together to create a welcoming escape where we can socialize and forget about real life for a bit. Hopefully we can do the same for you too Smile

2k total is a great milestone, and one that I'm currently chasing myself. Stands to be a pretty long way off at the rate I'm going as well, but we'll make it there eventually. All about the journey anyway, eh?

Would definitely recommend having a look at our Discord server as well. Made some very close friends on there, and I'm sure you will too Smile

P.S. Best of luck wrangling the kids, haha

vRendorb the Newb Ineeda10

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vRendorb the Newb Empty Re: vRendorb the Newb

Post by COCOMARBELLA Mon Jun 29, 2020 8:19 pm

@Syllabic - LMAO wrangling the kids Laughing

vRendorb the Newb OUwuWDK

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vRendorb the Newb Empty Re: vRendorb the Newb

Post by Spiritika Mon Jun 29, 2020 9:21 pm

Hi vRendorb! I've been playing RuneScape off and on since 2006 so can definitely relate to your reference to us "coming and going." I'm fairly new to the clan but in the short time I've been here, clan members have been friendly and helpful. It seems like a grat place to make friends to go on adventures with. Good luck on your goal of 2k total level. Smile

vRendorb the Newb YP5zkAJ

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vRendorb the Newb Empty Re: vRendorb the Newb

Post by Avallan Mon Jun 29, 2020 9:38 pm

Welcome to the clan vRendorb Very Happy I know exactly what you mean about the kids lol I have two teenagers myself, although they are pretty good at looking after themselves these days, they were definitely a lot of work when they were younger, fingers crossed they stay as easy as they are now lol

Good luck on reaching your 2k total, I'm looking forward to seeing you progress, you've definitely found an awesome place to hang out while you level Very Happy

vRendorb the Newb YP5zkAJ

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vRendorb the Newb Empty Re: vRendorb the Newb

Post by vRendorb Mon Jun 29, 2020 11:17 pm

Much thanks guys! I'm out for the night. See you guys tomorrow.

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vRendorb the Newb Empty Re: vRendorb the Newb

Post by Tinnitus Mon Jun 29, 2020 11:42 pm

Hey vRendorb,

Welcome to the clan and offsite! I don't know how you parents do it - work, take care of kids, and have time to play RS! That's so much to chew, but must feel awesome to pull off =)

2K is an awesome milestone to hit. I recently hit it myself and it felt awesome seeing that number change to 2000!

Looking forward to seeing you in game!

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vRendorb the Newb Empty Re: vRendorb the Newb

Post by twobviku Tue Jun 30, 2020 1:04 am

Welcome aboard vRendorb!

Yeah that pandemic has touched us all in various ways, for me it's meant that I have been able to grind runescape like that is no tomorrow, lol.

It's good to have you with us!

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vRendorb the Newb Empty Re: vRendorb the Newb

Post by This Land Tue Jun 30, 2020 4:58 am

Welcome to the clan mate, happy to have you here Smile

Must say that reading your intro put a smile on my face, particularly the "but as we all know we come and we go" line because it's so accurate!! Whilst life sometimes throws different levels of intensity towards us that forces us to retract the amount of time we spend playing Runescape it's always there in our hearts and minds and any opportunity to return with more playtime is seized accordingly Very Happy Very Happy

Definitely bias saying this but you've come to the right place in terms of making really good friends as you progress through your in-game journey. I wish you all the very best in achieving the 2k total, it's definitely a tall ladder to climb but I look forward to celebrating with you as and when it's achieved Smile

All that's left for me to say is another warm welcome, and my PM is always on if you ever need anything! Take care, stay safe and happy gaming bud.

This Land
This Land

vRendorb the Newb YP5zkAJ

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vRendorb the Newb Empty Re: vRendorb the Newb

Post by vRendorb Tue Jun 30, 2020 9:00 am

I'm sure i'll be reaching out to you guys for help and tricks. Thanks for the warm welcomes!

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