A Belated hello!

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A Belated hello! Empty A Belated hello!

Post by Love_Shack Thu Jun 25, 2020 3:27 am

Hello all.

I’ve been lurking around in the CC for a little while now, and thought it was time to properly introduce myself. (granted I haven’t said a great deal – but I’ve enjoyed the time nonetheless!)
RSN: XLove_ShackX

Not sure how much/little to put into this – but here goes! (apologies if it’s a bit much)

Real life (Boring bit)

In real life; I’m from the north of England (near Leeds).
By day I’m a mechanical design engineer – but currently working from home due to Covid.
I enjoy playing games, watching football (soccer), and travelling/holidaying.

Past RS experience

I originally started playing RS in the “RS2” days. At a guess, id say it was probably around 2004 that I started and quit around 2008 (not long after the release of summoning).
Back then I was in to the clan scene, and was one of the leaders / pk leader of a clan called “The British Elites” which were predominantly a community-based clan (if anybody remembers them?)
The majority of my past RS experience was combat based, and I wasn’t really big into skilling.

Current RS experience goals/expectations

I suppose this is probably the most relevant section Smile

I’m fully mobile based on OSRS, I have no real interest in playing on PC – I enjoy the idea of being able to pick up my phone and play it whenever or wherever I am. I usually only play in short intervals anyway so this fit well around RL (so as a general rule, I’m not that active)

I started playing OSRS when mobile was released. I played it for a little bit in F2P and got bored pretty quickly with all my old friends no longer playing. I picked it up again just after Christmas, got myself a bond, and have been playing passively since then.

This time around playing RS I enjoy the skilling side of things over combat (it's not that obvious from my stats though).

My recent achievements are 99 smithing, and I’m working towards 99 fletching (currently 97).

I’ve started working on my farming (level 66) and really getting interested in it. I really like the intermittent training side of it as it fits in well with only being mobile based – I’m still trying to get my head around what the best methods/runs are for progressing and speeding it up a little, but I’m sure ill get there with it.

Another goal for me is to potentially start some low/mid-level bossing, I’ve got a few kills on KBD as I wouldn’t mind the pet, but that’s all I’ve attempted so far!


So anyway, I think that’s enough waffle. I hope you don’t mind me staying around a bit and lurking some more Smile



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A Belated hello! Empty Re: A Belated hello!

Post by Avallan Thu Jun 25, 2020 3:44 am

What a fantastic intro, welcome! so glad to hear you're enjoying your time in the clan chat Very Happy

I've definitely heard of the British Elites, pretty sure they're still active on RS3 as I'm sure I see their forum thread in the recruitment section of the forums Smile

OSRS mobile is what got me started with playing osrs, before that I had zero interest, after a while I got frustrated with mobile so now I go between the two platforms, pc for combat and mobile for easy afk skills, also I find it near impossible to chat on mobile so kudos for you for being purely mobile, it can definitely get challenging sometimes.

A Belated hello! YP5zkAJ

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A Belated hello! Empty Re: A Belated hello!

Post by twobviku Thu Jun 25, 2020 4:10 am

Welcome Welcome!

I have admit I'm very impressed by how you are able to stick to Mobile only, I can only do very basic things on the mobile, like pick-pocketing Ardy Knight, so I am extremely impressed by the fact that you have grinded out almost two 99s purely on mobile!


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A Belated hello! Empty Re: A Belated hello!

Post by Syllabic Thu Jun 25, 2020 4:18 am

Hey Love_Shack! Glad to see you've signed up. I recognize you from the CC, so you must talk a little more than you give yourself credit for. Either that or you were saving it all for your intro Laughing Seriously, one of the best I've seen in a long time!

What sort of work do you do as a mechanical engineer? Probably a bit high-minded for the likes of me, but I'm happy to hear more if you're willing to share. Travel is definitely more my scene. Do you have a favourite/dream destination? I personally haven't been able to go anywhere interesting the past few years due to lack of finances, but I'm fairly lucky to live in Canada. Lots to see in your own backyard, haha. I bet people would love to see some pictures of your adventures, myself included. Those are always a big hit, on both the offsite and Discord.

Pretty cool that you used to be a clan leader! This is my first ever clan, so I kind of missed out on that scene back in the day. I'm honestly not even sure I knew they existed until I was a couple years in, haha. Even after I found out about them, joining up never really entered my mind. I was mostly happy socializing with my own little friend group.

I know a few people who are mobile only, actually. It's definitely done a lot to open the game up to a wider player base. It's honestly really impressive how good some people are at using a touchscreen. We've even gotten to the point where some folks are able to do ToB/Inferno/Corrupted Gauntlet on their phones. And that absolutely blows my mind, haha. Definitely a good chance that you'll be able to get some decent bossing done under the same circumstances! Would be happy to do some duos some time, depending on what you're interested in.

You've made some great skilling progress as well. 99 Smithing is one of my long term goals, in fact. What method did you use?

As for farming, tons of clannies way more knowledgeable than me, so not much reason to weigh in there. I figure I'll knock out 99 eventually, but I'm not the most consistent at the best of times. Probably gonna take me another 6 months at the rate I'm going!

I'm gonna shut up now, because if I don't I'll probably never stop talking. See you around in-game, or on Discord if you end up checking it out as well Smile

P.S. Is your name a reference to the B-52s song?

A Belated hello! Ineeda10

A Belated hello! NuD0cpJ

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A Belated hello! Empty Re: A Belated hello!

Post by This Land Thu Jun 25, 2020 4:28 am

Hey Love Shack (great name btw) and welcome officially to the clan/offsite!

I have to echo what Meg said in saying that this really is a fantastic introduction, always love to read up on a lot of details. Absolutely smashing to see another Brit joining the OSRS Advice community. If you're up for it then it'd be great if you hit up your offsite profile and selected the British flag to proudly represent out fabulously bizzare (especially in the current climate lol) country that we love (and sometimes dislike) to call home haha.

Mechanical design engineer sounds really fancy! If I had to take a guess then I'd say you did mechanical engineering or something similar at college/university?

Can't say I remember the British Elites because I was way too young back playing with my IRL friends who back then still played where we would all try to scam and PK each other through tricks - thank goodness I've grown up, a little bit anyway Very Happy Very Happy

I take my hat off to you for being a fully mobile player. Whilst I really enjoy playing on my phone when I'm travelling or used-to-be-commuting to and from work I absolutely love PC myself but it's definitely horses for courses and the fact you play in small short bursts definitely suits mobile better! I'm glad, nonetheless, that you seem to be enjoying the game which is the most important part of 'gaming' Smile

A big belated congratulations on 99 smithing and all the best for 99 fletching too, I look forward to hopefully being online to come and celebrate the achievement if we're both on together.

Looking forward to catching up with you more in-game buddy. Until then, take care and stay safe!

This Land
This Land

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A Belated hello! Empty Re: A Belated hello!

Post by Love_Shack Thu Jun 25, 2020 6:14 am

Thanks for all the lovely replies Smile my name is slightly because of the B52s and my last name haha - it just made sense at the time   Very Happy

Yeah I went to college/did an apprenticeship when I was younger for mechanical engineering. As part of the job we design non contact drying/baking equipment for the paper/food industries using 3D modelling software.

Syllabic: For smithing I did darts/bolts to 88 - mixed in with some blast furnace for the extra gp. Then did addy plate body's from 88 to 99. So it was pretty nice and afk towards the end - which is nice!

As for travelling; I actually went to Japan for my 30th birthday last year with my wife. Its one of the places ive always wanted to visit and it didn't disappoint! it was amazing.

I've never used discord, and don't really know what it is but ill look into and see how it works Smile


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A Belated hello! Empty Re: A Belated hello!

Post by Syllabic Thu Jun 25, 2020 6:58 am

The B-52s are great, and I love that song especially. Good choice.

Only every used modeling software sparingly in grade school. I was god awful at it then, and I'm quite sure I'd be even worse at it today Laughing Not quite the response I expected, but it sounds interesting nonetheless!

I'm currently at 88 Smithing actually. You figure it's worth switching to platebodies now? Figured I'd keep going with my current method until 90 (since it's currently Skill of the Week), and then probably take an extended break, knowing me Razz

Japan sounds absolutely wonderful. Definitely on my bucket list once I've finally scraped some funds together. I feel like I'd definitely want to learn some of the language before going, though. Seems accommodating enough even for someone that speaks solely English, but it's never fun being the odd one out. Seems like a fun challenge as well!

And yeah, we'd love to have you on Discord, but don't feel pressured or anything. As far as the clan is concerned, it's mostly used as a social platform. Entirely optional, but highly recommended if you're looking to make friends!

A Belated hello! Ineeda10

A Belated hello! NuD0cpJ

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A Belated hello! Empty Re: A Belated hello!

Post by Spiritika Thu Jun 25, 2020 2:20 pm

Hi Love_Shack! Like you, I've been playing RuneScape for awhile - since 2006 for me and continuing when it transitioned into RS2/RS3/EOC and didn't start playing OSRS until around the time it was released on mobile. Now I play mainly on my PC and only do skilling sometimes on mobile. I'm impressed that you're fully mobile based! Congrats on 99 smithing and good luck towards 99 fletching. Very Happy


A Belated hello! YP5zkAJ

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A Belated hello! Empty Re: A Belated hello!

Post by Love_Shack Thu Jun 25, 2020 4:58 pm

Id switch to platebodies, i was getting about 140K/hr but i know you can get higher rates if you concentrate a bit more than i did haha.
Plus, its not as mind numbingly boring as blast furnace and only cost me about 12m i think (from 88 to 99). - if the platebodies are alched its a lot less but alching on mobile isnt great!

We learned some basic japanese to get us by so we werent completely lost. But to be honest everyone we met was so welcoming and nice that any slight language barrier wasnt an issue. Id deffinately recommend going!

Ive downloaded diacord and trying to fumble my way around it at the minute, so you may see me on there soon haha.

I think ive just got used to mobile now - its a bit of a chore typing and right clicking (long press) but it suffices. Having a decent sized phone deffinately helps Very Happy

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A Belated hello! Empty Re: A Belated hello!

Post by Tinnitus Thu Jun 25, 2020 8:55 pm

Hey Love_Shack,

Welcome bud!

Props to you for playing fully on mobile. It's something I have been picking up more and more because it is super convenient. My main struggle with mobile is I have so much trouble typing in the clan chat (yay for auto-correct) and just communicating with people in general, but it's absolutely awesome for different situations!

I will say that discord is very mobile friendly as well. I downloaded it recently and find that I'm on it more often on mobile than my PC lol.

Looking forward to seeing you in game =)

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