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Post by Databorne Wed Jun 17, 2020 4:36 am

Hi Everyone!

I'm Databorne. IRL my name is Shanden, I'm 27 and from Cali, currently been bored out of my mind due to this pandemic sitting at home due to all the lay-offs earlier in the year.

I've been watching OSRS videos on Youtube and got an itch to come and try OSRS more seriously then I had in the past. I'm actually a old RS player... playing on and off for about 14-15 years now.

I dabbled in OSRS after EOC but never stuck to it due to not really knowing anyone and not having friends that played. So my stats in OSRS are just through the floor. (I spent my time on Agility so I could run more... its at 40...) Let alone I think I've completed 3 quests on OSRS... On my main side of EOC where all my stuff went I've clocked over 500 hours and over 2200 total. So I've just gotta focus more time in OSRS.

I hope mainly to make friends and find people to play with. I really mean it when I say I dont know anyone and joining this late into OSRS feels kinda weird.

Hope all is well with everyone that takes the time to read this, and I hope to meet you all in game and the fourms/discord. Smile

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Hello Everybody! Empty Re: Hello Everybody!

Post by Syllabic Wed Jun 17, 2020 4:51 am

Hey Shanden! Nice to meet you Smile I can't say that I've ever met someone with your name before. Pretty unique. I like it!

Been hearing a lot of stories from people in your exact situation. Tons of old players have been funneling back into the game since COVID hit. It's been really nice to see so many old faces, despite the less than ideal circumstances surrounding their return. Maybe even better seeing all the new ones! The clan's more popular than ever before, and it's really lovely getting to meet so many new people that I never would have gotten to know otherwise.

Definitely sucks coming back to the game and not having any of your progress from EOC. Same happened to me, although certainly to a lesser degree. I quit the game ages ago, so nothing about that account is all that impressive, but I still miss it. Nothing wrong with starting your journey over again, though! It's sucked me back in like never before, and it'll happen to you too if you let it Laughing

What are your goals looking like at the moment? I'd definitely recommend knocking out some more quests in the near future, if you can stomach them. Getting some Agility levels out of the way early was smart as well. I did the same thing FeelsOkayMan

Looking forward to seeing you in-game and on the Discord. Feel free to reach out if you need anything! Tons of other people in the clan always willing to assist as well, so don't hesitate to ask for help. We all know how overwhelming it can be getting back into a game like RS after a long hiatus.

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Post by This Land Wed Jun 17, 2020 4:59 am

Hey Shanden, welcome to OSRS Advice pal!

Pandemic has definitely hit the vast majority of us hard, but one of the positives that I've tried to take from it is that it's given me an even bigger excuse to sit at home and game to my hearts content haha so it's good to see you're deciding to do the same as it definitely helps to make time pass quickly!

Have you been watching anyone specifically on YouTube or just watching whatever takes your fancy? I've recently gotten really into watching Torvesta's PK videos they're absolutely hilarious to watch because he's usually quite bad at PKing haha but I still find them insightful and interesting etc... Smile

I also felt like I was going to have that 'FOMO' feeling for joining OSRS so late having quit RS2/3 in 2012 and then not having any idea that Old School was a thing until last August but honestly you'll fit right in. When it comes to finding friends to play with I couldn't speak highly enough of this clan for that! We've got people doing loads of different things all the time and also have events that run too where the majority of them are friendly for the majority of accounts in terms of levels/progress.

I see you're already on the discord which is great and it was nice that as I was replying to your intro post you popped up typing too so we've already been chatting a bit haha. It's an awesome place to chat with everyone outside the game but also a good way of seeing what events we have coming up if any of them interest you. If you look under the 'Events' section on the left you'll see a list of our recurrent/consistent events but under the 'Information' section you'll see another events channel where people shout out/advertise one-off events they're hosting Smile You've also got the offsite here as an excellent resource for seeing what's going on in the clan too so plenty to get involved with where you'll meet new clannies whenever something interests you!

PM is always on in-game if you ever need anything so don't hesitate to pop me a message anytime! Really hope that your time with us will make your in-game experience all the more enjoyable bud. Take care, stay safe and hopefully see you in-game soon!

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Post by The_Gamed Wed Jun 17, 2020 8:37 am

Welcome Shanden!

Making friends and finding people for group activities? Boy you've come to the right place! Smile Looking forward to getting to chat with you & see you in the CC!

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Post by twobviku Wed Jun 17, 2020 11:06 am

Welcome aboard! I am sure you will have a wonderful time in the CC! I have no doubt you will be able to make some awesome friendships during your stay!


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Hello Everybody! Empty Re: Hello Everybody!

Post by Spiritika Wed Jun 17, 2020 3:58 pm

Hi Shanden! Like you, I'm a long time RuneScape player - since 2006 for me and continuing into the transition into RS2/RS3 and EOC. Also like you, I have a high total level in EOC (2646 for me) and lots of stuff. Again like you, I was late to the OSRS game and didn't start playing until around the time it was released on mobile. To me it was nostalgic to go back and do everything again as a noob but it's also fun discovering content unique to OSRS. I've been enjoying it immensely and hope that you are too. Smile

It's great you started on agility early so you can run more. Once you get the set of full graceful, you'll find it helps when doing other activities as well and even when doing quests.

I'm still fairly new to this clan and in the short time I've been a part of it, I've found people to be very friendly and helpful. It's a great place to make friends. Very Happy

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Hello Everybody! Empty Re: Hello Everybody!

Post by Tinnitus Fri Jun 19, 2020 4:59 pm

Welcome Shanden!

Coming back to OSRS, I was the in the same situation. I always watched a bunch of YouTubers and finally decided it was my time! It was one of the best decisions I made.

Looking forward to meeting you in chat and learning about you mate =)

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