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Post by EpicLeveler Thu May 28, 2020 1:01 pm

Hey everyone,

My name is EpicLeveler and thanks for all the warm welcomes in cc last night! I consider myself to be a casual player and will be attempting to do mostly pvm with almost no pvp. Up until last month, I have really only played rs3, but have run out of things that I want to do. Now, I have come to OSRS to see what it has to offer (so far ive liked what ive seen).

Thanks for having me,

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Hello Everyone! Empty Re: Hello Everyone!

Post by Syllabic Thu May 28, 2020 1:22 pm

Hey Leveler, thanks for the intro. Wasn't online last night when you were on (went to bed super early), but I'm glad to hear you got a positive response. People around here are usually super welcoming Smile

What kind of content do you enjoy on RS3? I've never played, so most of it is actually pretty new and interesting to me. I do know that there are some pretty considerable differences between it and Old School, though. It can hardly be called 'old school' itself anymore, when you factor in all the content that's been added since it released in 2013.

Anyway, what plans do you have for your account? Any particular PVM content that catches your eye? Whatever you're into, there'll be plenty of opportunities to get into that sort of stuff with clannies. We've got a pretty healthy contingent of bossing fanatics.

I'd recommend checking out the Discord server if you haven't already, as well. It's got info for all of our ongoing events, including the Saturday PVM event and PVM Bingo (which just started back up!). Sounds like some of that will likely appeal to you. And, even if not, it's still a fun place to hang out Smile

Maybe we can get some bossing hours in some time too! Not sure what your stats/gear are looking like at the moment, but I'm far from picky.

See you in clan chat!

Hello Everyone! Ineeda10

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Hello Everyone! Empty Re: Hello Everyone!

Post by Timmmyyy1 Thu May 28, 2020 1:46 pm

Welcome EpicLeveler!

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Hello Everyone! Empty Re: Hello Everyone!

Post by EpicLeveler Thu May 28, 2020 4:30 pm

Syllabic wrote:
What kind of content do you enjoy on RS3? I've never played, so most of it is actually pretty new and interesting to me. I do know that there are some pretty considerable differences between it and Old School, though. It can hardly be called 'old school' itself anymore, when you factor in all the content that's been added since it released in 2013.

I was a very big fan of qbd and Araxxor bossing. I also very much enjoyed general low stress skilling like woodcutting and cooking.

Syllabic wrote:
Anyway, what plans do you have for your account? Any particular PVM content that catches your eye? Whatever you're into, there'll be plenty of opportunities to get into that sort of stuff with clannies. We've got a pretty healthy contingent of bossing fanatics.

I would like to get into bossing. My end goal is to get some solid equipment and do theater of blood (I am still quite a ways away) and to max out my house to make other bosses easier Smile

Syllabic wrote:
Maybe we can get some bossing hours in some time too! Not sure what your stats/gear are looking like at the moment, but I'm far from picky.

Im still pretty low at the moment (cb lvl of 74 atm). Currently in the process of getting fighter torso and complete quests for barrows gloves. After that, I plan to get some magic items and start doing barrows runs for money,runes, and a guthans set. I got quite a ways to go before I will feel comfortable doing some real bossing. Eventually though Smile

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Hello Everyone! Empty Re: Hello Everyone!

Post by Noctivagous Thu May 28, 2020 9:52 pm

Hello Epic, and welcome to OSRS Advice.

I know the feeling all too well my friend, I was comped rs3 player and quit to come to OSRS I find this game more enjoyable due to all the nostalgia and familiar content.

Thank you for choosing us as your community to go on your adventure, I look forward to meeting you.


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Hello Everyone! Empty Re: Hello Everyone!

Post by Spiritika Fri May 29, 2020 10:12 am

Hi EpicLeveler! I'm fairly new to the clan but not to RuneScape. I started playing in 2006 and continued when it transitioned into RS3, which I played for years. Though I haven't comped or maxed in RS3, I've got mostly 99s (with the exception of Invention of 50 and Archaeology of 1). I started playing OSRS around the time it was released on mobile and love the nostalgia. I'm enjoying re-learning the content as well as being introduced to the new content.

I'm glad you're enjoying OSRS. It's great to see long time players still enjoying the game. Smile

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