Back after a long break

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Back after a long break Empty Back after a long break

Post by Waine Wed May 27, 2020 10:56 am

Hello all,

I was active in OSRS Advice from 2014 until around 2017. I remember a lot of folks from that time such as Wizardio, Hailey, Kamika, Herb, Gloves, Ladybird and Runtell, Cookie, Parlz and others.

Just wanted to check in, and see if any of the old gang are still around?

I have been actively playing again on an Ironman account for the past few months, and will be playing again for the forseeable.

Hope everyone is well and staying safe!

All the best,


Last edited by Waine on Thu May 02, 2024 10:03 am; edited 1 time in total

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Back after a long break Empty Re: Back after a long break

Post by Syllabic Wed May 27, 2020 11:20 am

Hey Waine, welcome back. You've been around a while, eh? Haha. I'm way too new to remember you, but it's always cool to see people from back in the day showing up to say hi.

There are some old folks from that era still around, yeah. Gloves checked in a couple months ago, but I haven't seen much from him lately. Hailey still logs in to PK and such every so often. Ladybird still logs in every day, and we're all glad of it. Cookie hangs out fairly often as well.

Run sadly passed away a couple months back. We were informed by his grandson Cody (@TGOD1991). We had a big in-game memorial and everything. Here's the thread if you'd like to check it out: Really touching to see such a huge outpouring of support from people. He had such a great impact on so many people.

I'm sure there are others that I'm missing, and I'm also sure they'd appreciate it if you  said hey in the CC some time! I guarantee there'll be a warm welcome waiting for you Pepo Hugs

Last edited by Syllabic on Wed May 27, 2020 11:22 am; edited 3 times in total

Back after a long break Ineeda10

Back after a long break NuD0cpJ

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Back after a long break Empty Re: Back after a long break

Post by Waine Wed May 27, 2020 11:20 am

(Deleted, I messed up the uploading)

Last edited by Waine on Wed May 27, 2020 11:24 am; edited 1 time in total

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Back after a long break Empty Re: Back after a long break

Post by Waine Wed May 27, 2020 11:24 am

Here are some screenshots from my time in the clan over the years. Wonderful memories!

Back after a long break Wiz_111
Back after a long break Wiz_211
Back after a long break Wiz311
Back after a long break Wiz410
Back after a long break Wiz510
Back after a long break Wiz610
Back after a long break Wiz710

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Back after a long break Empty Re: Back after a long break

Post by ladybird2 Wed May 27, 2020 12:25 pm

Welcome Waine.....glad to see you on here as well as in cc yesterday and today, and to see a flavour of your humour in these bygone posts......not to mention some old familiar names, I hope you catch up with the old days if and when they drop in from time to time, enjoy your iron and making new friends Smile

Back after a long break NuD0cpJ

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Back after a long break Empty Re: Back after a long break

Post by Tinnitus Wed May 27, 2020 4:19 pm

Hey Waine,

I was around in 2017 for a bit, but I don't remember you so I'm guessing you were before my time. I did catch you in the cc yesterday.

Welcome back mate!

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Back after a long break Empty Re: Back after a long break

Post by Spiritika Wed May 27, 2020 8:35 pm

Hi Waine! I'm new to the clan though I've been playing RuneScape since 2006. I enjoyed seeing the screenshots you shared and the humor in them. Very Happy

Back after a long break YP5zkAJ

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Back after a long break Empty Re: Back after a long break

Post by Noctivagous Thu May 28, 2020 10:04 pm

Hello Waine, and welcome back to OSRS Advice.

I'm fairly new here too have no met you acquaintance, but better late than never right =D?

It's nice to see you chose to come back to this community after your break.

I look forward to meeting you, see you around the CC!


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Back after a long break Empty Re: Back after a long break

Post by WeaknSilly Fri May 29, 2020 2:32 am

welcome back bud

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Back after a long break Empty Re: Back after a long break

Post by TGOD1991 Fri Jul 03, 2020 12:29 pm

Hello there Very Happy

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Back after a long break Empty Re: Back after a long break

Post by COCOMARBELLA Sat Jul 04, 2020 3:58 am

Hi Waine

Welcome back to the cc and welcome back to RuneScape haha I've only been in the clan for a year im too new same as syllabic but none the less we welcome other clan members with open arms.

Happy Scaping! Very Happy

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