Just want to say hi!

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Just want to say hi! Empty Just want to say hi!

Post by Seyriu Mon May 25, 2020 5:54 am

Hey everyone!

I'm Seyriu and I recently started playing again, all thanks to corona.

I'm quite the veteran, I remember playing this game almost 15 years ago when I was still in school!
Certainly didn't help my grades at that time..

My Runescape history is pretty familiar to most current players I'm guessing:

  • Quit RS3 a bit after EOC was released;
  • Started playing Oldschool when it was released, quit after a while because I was burned out;
  • Created an ironman quite a while back, which was fun for a bit, but returned to my main because I simply don't have the time to grind out the end-game content.

I'm currently having a really good time playing on my main account, I'm no longer focused on getting as much levels as I possibly can in short term, but rather doing things I enjoy.

I found out about the clan(/clanchat) via the official forums, I was looking around for casual clans because all my IRL friends quit playing and I missed the social aspect of the game.

You'll find me in the clanchat (or you can add me) Wink

Last edited by Seyriu on Mon May 25, 2020 7:15 am; edited 1 time in total

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Join date : 2020-05-25

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Just want to say hi! Empty Re: Just want to say hi!

Post by Syllabic Mon May 25, 2020 6:10 am

Hey Seyriu, seen you in chat a few times now. Glad you joined up! Runescape was a menace when I was back in school as well, lol. Will probably have to force myself to quit if I ever start taking classes of some kind again Laughing

Sounds like we have similar philosophies about playing the game. What sort of stuff do you enjoy doing these days?

Might wanna check out our Discord server as well, if you're looking for more of the social aspect that you've been missing. Lovely group of folks on there, and it's great for coordinating clan events and such FeelsOkayMan

Just want to say hi! Ineeda10

Just want to say hi! NuD0cpJ

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Just want to say hi! Empty Re: Just want to say hi!

Post by Seyriu Mon May 25, 2020 6:21 am

Nowadays I'm usually either training slayer the slow way, by doing boss tasks everytime I can, or skilling a bit on the tablet while on the couch watching some tv with the girlfriend.

We recently bought a house, so combining runescape with buying food, cooking, chores, ... makes it harder for me to do actual group activities unfortunately.

I really should check out discord, thanks for the tip!

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Just want to say hi! Empty Re: Just want to say hi!

Post by Maebious Mon May 25, 2020 6:43 am

Welcome Sey seen you in cc a lot lately!

You've found the perfect clan, gl with your grinds

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Just want to say hi! Empty Re: Just want to say hi!

Post by This Land Mon May 25, 2020 7:23 am

Hey Seyriu, welcome back to the game and a warm welcome to the clan Smile

I always feel quite proud of being a gamer but something about being a gamer during these corona times seems extra special. Obviously it helps that a lot of us prefer to stay inside than go outside lol but because of the current climate attached to that is that we're really 'helping the cause' so to speak Smile Sorry for the waffle but you mentioning corona bringing you back reminded me of that way of thinking!

Any who... I'm glad you've decided to join us officially by making a post and I look forward to seeing you around more often. As for what you're doing in game, I couldn't agree more that having fun should always be the number one priority (I should follow that way of thinking more myself lol) and I hope you're enjoying the game again! You've got the one-up on me in terms of your timeline because I never made an iron man account because of timing issues Razz perhaps you could always slowly progress it with afk activities whilsr you play on your main? Just a thought!

All that's left for me to say is another warm welcome and feel free to throw an add my way and pop up if you ever need anything or just want to say hey Smile Until then, take care and stay safe!

This Land
This Land

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Just want to say hi! Empty Re: Just want to say hi!

Post by Spiritika Mon May 25, 2020 1:02 pm

Hi Seyriu! Like you, I've been playing RuneScape for years. I started playing in 2006 and continued playing when it transitioned into EOC and RS3, which I played for years. I started playing OSRS around the time it was released on mobile.

Like you, I'm not concerned with levels but rather enjoying the game. I'm new to the clan chat but from what I've seen, it's a great place to chat with others and be social in the game. Smile

Just want to say hi! YP5zkAJ

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Just want to say hi! Empty Re: Just want to say hi!

Post by Seyriu Mon May 25, 2020 2:00 pm

Thanks for the warm welcome you guys!

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