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Hey There! Empty Hey There!

Post by prometheist Sat May 23, 2020 7:03 am

Hey everyone

I started playing about 10 days ago for the first time since 2004! Working from home has been a great opportunity to get some skilling done on the side of zoom meetings. I'm currently combat 55 with a current focus on herblore (ugh) for the prayer pots Smile

So far this looks like a great place to call home on osrs -- hope to see some of you in game!

In game: Prometheist

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Join date : 2020-05-23

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Hey There! Empty Re: Hey There!

Post by Attas seed Sat May 23, 2020 7:11 am

Wow that's a long time ago, how does it feel picking it back up?
I imagine it's totally different due to the amount of things that have changed / been added.

Will probably see you around now I can put some more time into it myself.
Attas seed

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Hey There! Empty Re: Hey There!

Post by prometheist Sat May 23, 2020 7:15 am

There is a lot more content, but it's eerily similar. Lots of nostalgia. I guess the biggest difference is middle school me had all the time in the world. Adult me has a wife and kid and a job and bills =D

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Hey There! Empty Re: Hey There!

Post by Syllabic Sat May 23, 2020 9:47 am

Hey Prometheist, welcome Smile I like your name! Sounds like a progressive metal band or something, haha. You picked a good CC to help get you back into the game. We're here to help if you need us!

You're super new then, eh? Crazy that you're just starting back up after 16 years away from the game. Was quarantine your sole reason to come back, or was it something you were considering beforehand?

Looking forward to having you around! I see you're already on the Discord, so it looks like you're pretty much set FeelsOkayMan See you in-game soon.

Hey There! Ineeda10

Hey There! NuD0cpJ

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Hey There! Empty Re: Hey There!

Post by prometheist Sat May 23, 2020 10:10 am

It does sound like a metal band. My game names have always been prometheus (actually named after the A.I. in Earthsiege II -- waaay back), but usually that name is taken, so I put a dogmatic spin on it =)

I've had friends that picked it back up in the last year or two, and I always have students who talk about it, so the seed was planted, but yeah -- quarantine brought me back. Hopefully this group will help me get up to date on what I've missed out on!

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Join date : 2020-05-23

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