Make sherlock your friend

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Make sherlock your friend Empty Make sherlock your friend

Post by WeaknSilly Fri May 22, 2020 6:42 am

So everyone has there thing on RS, some people enjoy slayer, some enjoy skilling, other's just enjoy standing around. I myself enjoy the combat side of things more than anything else, but I do eventually want to be maxed one day. So, to motivate myself to train non combat skills I told myself I'd train what ever skills came up for the "show this to Sherlock" clue steps as they came up. There have been a few painful grinds throughout the grand total of 7 master clues; 71-85 wcing, 80-83 farming, then waiting for a spirit tree to grow, 70-83 smithing and now 71-82 fishing.

For the previous grinds I just kinda sat there and mindlessly watched my character chop wood, smash bars and spring life to Geilinor. This time I wanted to achieve a bit of money making whilst fishing, and we all know fishing monks isn't the way to go for that. So I decided to do a bit of money making on my alt, I started by doing 50 kills at zulrah, then 50 med clues and finally 50 more kills at zulrah. Anyway here were my loots whilst grinding the fishing.

Probably saw that coming :p

edit: also 70-85 fm
Make sherlock your friend Zulrah10
Make sherlock your friend Medium10

Last edited by hndofblo0d on Fri May 22, 2020 1:47 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Make sherlock your friend Empty Re: Make sherlock your friend

Post by DabbingBrb Fri May 22, 2020 7:31 am

Great idea man, I used the same plan to level up all of my skills and to force me to do certain quests. After quite a while of this I can now complete almost every single clue scroll, which makes it extremely less daunting to see you have a Sherlock or Olaf task. And Congrats on the ranger boots!!


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Make sherlock your friend Empty Re: Make sherlock your friend

Post by Tinnitus Sat May 23, 2020 3:50 am

I'm using the skill of the week event as motivation to level up my skills - hopefully agility will win this week so I can grind it out!

Using Sherlock as a way to level up skills is a good idea. Unfortunately, I don't have that much motivation to level up 10+ levels when I get a challenge from him. But, I'm still slowly but surely increasing my chances of completing elite clues.

Nice loot from the zulrah grind. As soon as I get my occult necklace drop, I'll be going back for 1k+ zulrah kills. I'll be sure to show the loot. And grats on the early ranger boots!

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Make sherlock your friend Empty Re: Make sherlock your friend

Post by Warrlock Sat May 23, 2020 10:34 pm

Very nice! I really need to start doing my clues soon.

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