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Gerber Guy
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Hey Everyone! Empty Hey Everyone!

Post by Gerber Guy Tue Apr 28, 2020 7:39 pm

I am a long time Runescape player (on and off since 2005) and have really enjoyed the OSRS Advice clan. Even though I do not contribute much in the way of conversation, I really do enjoy getting to read all the helpful tips and fun conversation that everyone has!

I nabbed my first 99 last summer which was a dream that nine-year-old me never thought would be accomplished. I recently hopped back on and am still loving this game - mostly because of this great chat! I am learning a lot and having tons of fun.

I do not have any goals right now, I am just enjoying the game by doing whatever seems interesting to me! :)
Gerber Guy
Gerber Guy

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Hey Everyone! Empty Re: Hey Everyone!

Post by Syllabic Tue Apr 28, 2020 9:39 pm

Hey Gerber! Nice to see you on here Smile Really nice to hear you're a fan of the CC. I didn't talk a whole lot when I first joined, so I definitely won't fault you for being a little bit quiet. You can pick up a lot just by lurking, after all.

What was your first 99? Mine ended up being Fletching, which definitely isn't the most impressive or respected, but I was still pretty pleased with myself. I had a good excuse to keep going after I got the skillcape as well, since it was making me tons of money. I really never expected to get a 99 in my lifetime, though. It always seemed so daunting when I was younger, but I guess I simply didn't have enough patience when I was a kid.

So, what do you find interesting at the moment? That's certainly not a bad way to enjoy the game, but I find that I generally run out of things that actually interest me pretty quickly, leading to a lack of progress. I don't know. Maybe other people are just way better at self motivating than I am Razz

Anyway, that's enough of me talking about myself I think. Hopefully I'll catch ya in-game some time soon FeelsOkayMan

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Hey Everyone! Empty Re: Hey Everyone!

Post by CautiousLiFE Tue Apr 28, 2020 10:22 pm

Gerber Guy wrote:I am a long time Runescape player (on and off since 2005) and have really enjoyed the OSRS Advice clan. Even though I do not contribute much in the way of conversation, I really do enjoy getting to read all the helpful tips and fun conversation that everyone has!

I nabbed my first 99 last summer which was a dream that nine-year-old me never thought would be accomplished. I recently hopped back on and am still loving this game - mostly because of this great chat! I am learning a lot and having tons of fun.

I do not have any goals right now, I am just enjoying the game by doing whatever seems interesting to me! Smile

Welcome, Gerber Guy!

Glad to have you joining this community & hope to see you both in-game and discord.

Discord: discord.gg/osrsadvice


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Hey Everyone! Empty Re: Hey Everyone!

Post by This Land Wed Apr 29, 2020 1:58 am

Hey Gerber and welcome to OSRS Advice, it's nice to see well-seasoned players joining our community and I'm glad you've enjoyed your time with us so far.

Seeing as you haven't got any goals, you might want to check out our Skill of the Week (https://www.osrsadvice.com/t4060-skill-of-the-week) and Boss of the Week (found on our discord that Cautious linked for you) events that alternate every other week. They're both a good opportunity to expose yourself to potentially new areas of the game and take part in a bit of healthy competition with fellow clannies with a chance of winning some GP prizes!

PM is always on if you need anything so don't hesitate to pop me a message anytime. Until then, take care, stay safe and I'm looking forward to chatting with you more when we're both in the cc.

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Hey Everyone! Empty Re: Hey Everyone!

Post by Purple Dude Wed Apr 29, 2020 3:37 am

Welcome Gerber Guy Very Happy
I agree with Th1s Land, if you lack goals, try joining our Skill of the Week or Boss of the Week, maybe some rivalry is just what you need to train some skills or do some bossing Wink bounce bounce

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Hey Everyone! Empty Re: Hey Everyone!

Post by Noctivagous Wed Apr 29, 2020 3:45 pm

Hello Gerber Guy, and welcome to OSRS Advice.

Huge congratulations on your first 99, that is an awesome accomplishment!

I know exactly what you mean when you refer to your childhood, and how accomplishing this very goal sparks this hidden vaulted memory as a child and forces it open and the nostalgia comes rushing in that must have been a surreal moment for you.

As far as the CC, this community is the sole reason I look forward to hoping in day in and day out and seeing what everyone is up to and how everyone is doing, so kudos to you for seeing that potential in this community.

I look forward to meeting you, and seeing you in the CC.


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