Most Nostalgiac Runescape Song?

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Most Nostalgiac Runescape Song? Empty Most Nostalgiac Runescape Song?

Post by Fat Wart Fri Jan 17, 2020 3:10 pm

For me it would have to be a three-way tie between "Autumn Voyage" "Crystal Sword" and "Forever"

Forever and Autumn Voyage especially just tickle my brain.

How about yall?
Fat Wart
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Most Nostalgiac Runescape Song? Empty Re: Most Nostalgiac Runescape Song?

Post by PugTart Fri Jan 17, 2020 11:00 pm

Fanfare and Parade I love you

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Most Nostalgiac Runescape Song? Empty Re: Most Nostalgiac Runescape Song?

Post by Muffin Sat Jan 18, 2020 5:28 pm

I'm a sucker for Start, Flute Salad, and Wander

Used to always roam between Lumbridge/Falador as a 6 year old who had no idea what I was doing Smile

I'm delicious AND nutritious!

Most Nostalgiac Runescape Song? GpGlyzJ

Most Nostalgiac Runescape Song? F77sK4H

Most Nostalgiac Runescape Song? SHfiTAs

Most Nostalgiac Runescape Song? 4068HaS

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Most Nostalgiac Runescape Song? Empty Re: Most Nostalgiac Runescape Song?

Post by DabbingBrb Sun Jan 19, 2020 8:11 am

Groundscape. For some awful reason it's not included in OSRS, but watching it on youtube brings back so many memories of real oldschool


Most Nostalgiac Runescape Song? Dabna10

Most Nostalgiac Runescape Song? Untitl10

Most Nostalgiac Runescape Song? NuD0cpJ

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Most Nostalgiac Runescape Song? Empty Re: Most Nostalgiac Runescape Song?

Post by Syllabic Sun Jan 19, 2020 3:09 pm

Does it get more nostalgic than The Trade Parade? I've always been a bankstander, and I always will be Very Happy

Barbarianism also brings me waaaay back. Spent so many hours killing hill giants in Edgeville Dungeon to that song.

Most Nostalgiac Runescape Song? Ineeda10

Most Nostalgiac Runescape Song? NuD0cpJ

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Most Nostalgiac Runescape Song? Empty Re: Most Nostalgiac Runescape Song?

Post by Tickmark Sun Jan 19, 2020 3:57 pm

For me it's either Rune Essence or Garden. Spent a lot of time back in the day walking between Aubury and Varrock east bank to 'sell rune ess 20gp ea!' All for the goal of being able to afford Splitbark armor for the fashionscape.

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Most Nostalgiac Runescape Song? Empty Re: Most Nostalgiac Runescape Song?

Post by Sye Pie Mon Jan 20, 2020 5:20 am

Definitely Sea Shanty 2, and the barbarian village song near varrock. I c o n i c, you cannot change my mind.

This message brought to you by the Sea Shanty 2 gang.
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Most Nostalgiac Runescape Song? Empty Re: Most Nostalgiac Runescape Song?

Post by Matt Ross Mon Jan 20, 2020 1:19 pm

"Dream" has always been memorable for me, from Lumby to Draynor.
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Most Nostalgiac Runescape Song? Empty Re: Most Nostalgiac Runescape Song?

Post by Fat Wart Tue Jan 21, 2020 10:35 am

Thanks for all of your submissions people. I had forgotten about many of these and went back to listen to some of them and, wow, what a trip down memory lane.
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Most Nostalgiac Runescape Song? Empty Re: Most Nostalgiac Runescape Song?

Post by Joshua Tue Jan 21, 2020 2:47 pm

Autumn Voyage

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Most Nostalgiac Runescape Song? Empty Re: Most Nostalgiac Runescape Song?

Post by Joshua Tue Jan 21, 2020 2:48 pm

also fanfare and fruit salad

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Most Nostalgiac Runescape Song? Empty Re: Most Nostalgiac Runescape Song?

Post by Mimikyutie Sun Jan 26, 2020 9:57 am

Autumn Voyage is my main go-to when I want some truly nostalgic feels.

I blame it on my little brother, who for the life of him couldn't figure out how to switch combat styles correctly and had to reroll like 8 characters when he was making a pure. We spent so many hours at the chicken pen north of Lumbridge it's insane.

But I have a special place in my heart for that song. It reminds me of times when I didn't have to worry about much. My stress level was at an all-time low. Just getting through a day at school, getting home, finishing homework, then blasting out a six hour session on Scape with my brother and cousins.

Good, good times.

Most Nostalgiac Runescape Song? HL48dkQ

Most Nostalgiac Runescape Song? M38wJkj

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Most Nostalgiac Runescape Song? Empty Re: Most Nostalgiac Runescape Song?

Post by xpdonutfarm Sun Jan 26, 2020 8:06 pm

It had to be Autumn Voyage. I just get those feelings of childhood happiness. Happy Pepo

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Most Nostalgiac Runescape Song? Empty Re: Most Nostalgiac Runescape Song?

Post by Guitarist141 Mon Feb 03, 2020 7:47 pm

"Background" from Entrana does it for me.
I've been trying to find sheet music for it, actually. I should look again.

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Most Nostalgiac Runescape Song? Empty Re: Most Nostalgiac Runescape Song?

Post by Measured Tue Feb 18, 2020 12:20 am

Sea Shanty is a song i'll never forget as long as i live

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Most Nostalgiac Runescape Song? Empty Re: Most Nostalgiac Runescape Song?

Post by Gisrithe Tue Feb 18, 2020 2:04 pm

For me it's probably scape original. Used to be the login screen for a long time when I was a kid. Some runner ups would be dream, expanse, forever, garden, wander, start, spirit, scape soft... Basically every super peaceful track in free to play that I heard all the time when I was a kid is suuuuuper nostalgic runescape for me. That description might put a lot of tracks into your head, there's quite a lot of them.

There isn't really any nostalgic members tracks for me, since I never became a member until much later in life. Overture is really nice though, spent a ton of time at seers when I did finally become a member.

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Most Nostalgiac Runescape Song? Empty Re: Most Nostalgiac Runescape Song?

Post by Catnaros Tue Feb 18, 2020 2:09 pm

Has and always will be just the login song :p

Most Nostalgiac Runescape Song? ZL9RG

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Most Nostalgiac Runescape Song? Empty Re: Most Nostalgiac Runescape Song?

Post by Noctivagous Thu Mar 19, 2020 4:26 pm

I agree with Catnaros, and also ofcourse the Lumbridge Song by Goblins brings back memories of when I was younger *tear

Most Nostalgiac Runescape Song? IIyCd

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Most Nostalgiac Runescape Song? Empty Re: Most Nostalgiac Runescape Song?

Post by 901Grizzlies Thu Mar 19, 2020 4:42 pm

Sea Shanty 2 (bc I'm basic)

Fun Fact: The BPM for SS2 is the correct BPM for conducting CPR. Who knew that RuneScape could someday save a life

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Most Nostalgiac Runescape Song? Empty Re: Most Nostalgiac Runescape Song?

Post by Not Quzz Thu Mar 19, 2020 7:20 pm

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