2020 OSRS Advice Collection Log: A Clan-Wide Proposal!

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2020 OSRS Advice Collection Log: A Clan-Wide Proposal! Empty 2020 OSRS Advice Collection Log: A Clan-Wide Proposal!

Post by Mimikyutie Mon Nov 11, 2019 9:51 pm

So over the past several days, I've been mulling around the possibility of pitching an idea to you guys to see if it is something we all may be interested in doing.

One of the reasons I absolutely love Oldschool Runescape is the sheer amount of activities and collectibles there are in the game. Hundreds of unique items from dozens of different minigames, bosses, and sources to collect. It's a very large shelf that needs to be filled. In fact, while researching the crazy amount of things there are to collect in this game, I discovered the sheer odds of doing so would mean a lifetime of attempts AT THE BARE MINIMUM. I don't think I will ever see a single person collect every unique item on one account.

But that is why I am here with this proposal. If enough people are into it, I'll commit to handling the documentation of it all.

I propose, starting Jan. 1st, a Clan-wide challenge to see how much of the Collection Log we can complete. Every time someone gets a unique drop at a boss, from a Treasure Trail, or in a Raid, we keep a running tally on an Excel sheet that everyone will have access to view.

Here's how I see it working: You're at a boss and you get a kill. Lo and behold, a unique item drops! What you've gotta do is screenshot the drop and post it to the designated thread. When able to, I will update the spreadsheet with the user's name and the date the drop was obtained. For simplicity, I'll simply update the sheets every night before I head to bed.

If there's enough support for this idea, I will do my best to commit to keeping this running record for the duration of 2020.

So what do you think, Clan? Want to try and collect as many uniques as possible next year? I think that a record for Bosses, Raids, Treasure Trails, and Pets will be easy enough to track and document, but I'm only willing to undertake this task if you guys are interested.

Share your thoughts!

2020 OSRS Advice Collection Log: A Clan-Wide Proposal! M38wJkj

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2020 OSRS Advice Collection Log: A Clan-Wide Proposal! Empty Re: 2020 OSRS Advice Collection Log: A Clan-Wide Proposal!

Post by bokeh_dot Tue Nov 12, 2019 7:06 am

This is cool! I haven't ever encountered a boss and I'm super excited about it (my stats are getting close Very Happy); this just makes it more exciting! I dig it!

2020 OSRS Advice Collection Log: A Clan-Wide Proposal! YP5zkAJ

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2020 OSRS Advice Collection Log: A Clan-Wide Proposal! Empty Re: 2020 OSRS Advice Collection Log: A Clan-Wide Proposal!

Post by The_Gamed Tue Nov 12, 2019 7:47 am

Wonderful idea mimi, it'll be nice if we can keep that thread clean though, easier to see just screenshots then have to scroll through multiple posts!

Would help for duplicates too having easy access to the spreadsheet.

Great idea, I'm definitely for it!

2020 OSRS Advice Collection Log: A Clan-Wide Proposal! 4068HaS

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2020 OSRS Advice Collection Log: A Clan-Wide Proposal! Empty Re: 2020 OSRS Advice Collection Log: A Clan-Wide Proposal!

Post by ThadMania Tue Nov 12, 2019 5:44 pm

I love this idea mimi. Maybe make a separate thread to dump the ss into and have another for the all cleaned up here's what we need/have thread. Also color coding the cells in the excel sheet would be nice for quick glances. Pastel Red has not been obtained, pastel green has been obtained. (might be my ocd showing with excel) lol

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2020 OSRS Advice Collection Log: A Clan-Wide Proposal! Empty Re: 2020 OSRS Advice Collection Log: A Clan-Wide Proposal!

Post by Purple Dude Fri Nov 15, 2019 7:12 am

This sounds like a fun idea, because indeed, filling it solo is next to impossible. Could be interesting if a clans worth of RNG can fill it in a year Very Happy

2020 OSRS Advice Collection Log: A Clan-Wide Proposal! Tumblr_n4ligjCVIn1spy7ono1_500
Purple Dude
Purple Dude

2020 OSRS Advice Collection Log: A Clan-Wide Proposal! NuD0cpJ

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2020 OSRS Advice Collection Log: A Clan-Wide Proposal! Empty Re: 2020 OSRS Advice Collection Log: A Clan-Wide Proposal!

Post by Penny Fri Nov 15, 2019 8:49 am

This sounds like a lot of fun for us and a lot of work for you Razz But I'm very keen to see us try to complete the log! Let's try it out Smile

2020 OSRS Advice Collection Log: A Clan-Wide Proposal! IIyCd

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2020 OSRS Advice Collection Log: A Clan-Wide Proposal! Empty Re: 2020 OSRS Advice Collection Log: A Clan-Wide Proposal!

Post by SwekSpek Fri Nov 15, 2019 9:31 am

Sounds as a great idea!

2020 OSRS Advice Collection Log: A Clan-Wide Proposal! 2018_110

2020 OSRS Advice Collection Log: A Clan-Wide Proposal! 4068HaS

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2020 OSRS Advice Collection Log: A Clan-Wide Proposal! Empty Re: 2020 OSRS Advice Collection Log: A Clan-Wide Proposal!

Post by Makemoola Sun Nov 17, 2019 12:55 pm

support though i will mainly go for skilling pets on collection log since im not much of a pvmer

2020 OSRS Advice Collection Log: A Clan-Wide Proposal! YP5zkAJ

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2020 OSRS Advice Collection Log: A Clan-Wide Proposal! Empty Re: 2020 OSRS Advice Collection Log: A Clan-Wide Proposal!

Post by Bodjery Sun Nov 17, 2019 10:41 pm

Mimi, it's a great idea, and same as Mowp said above, it might be a huge work for you... You are also considering clues. Will they go separately from bosses? Interesting indeed. A long, long time ago, when I started playing the game I did some of the sort with monters droppings, now we have a wiki hahaha.
If you need any help at all, pls just send a tell.
Best for you

2020 OSRS Advice Collection Log: A Clan-Wide Proposal! YP5zkAJ

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2020 OSRS Advice Collection Log: A Clan-Wide Proposal! Empty Re: 2020 OSRS Advice Collection Log: A Clan-Wide Proposal!

Post by Mimikyutie Wed Nov 20, 2019 12:11 am

I am more than happy to share this burden with anyone who wants to contribute to it. It's super simple to make a google doc that can be shared with multiple people who have editing rights. Very Happy

2020 OSRS Advice Collection Log: A Clan-Wide Proposal! HL48dkQ

2020 OSRS Advice Collection Log: A Clan-Wide Proposal! M38wJkj

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2020 OSRS Advice Collection Log: A Clan-Wide Proposal! Empty Re: 2020 OSRS Advice Collection Log: A Clan-Wide Proposal!

Post by Lokandur Fri Nov 22, 2019 6:39 pm

GenerateTask by Tedious on youtube has a great collection log excel that generates random tasks from the collection log for you to do and checks off your progress. Highly recommend!

The Tony Hawk of Segway

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2020 OSRS Advice Collection Log: A Clan-Wide Proposal! Empty Re: 2020 OSRS Advice Collection Log: A Clan-Wide Proposal!

Post by Vespolar Sun Dec 08, 2019 8:20 pm

I love this idea!

2020 OSRS Advice Collection Log: A Clan-Wide Proposal! Clan_s10

2020 OSRS Advice Collection Log: A Clan-Wide Proposal! Image-10

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2020 OSRS Advice Collection Log: A Clan-Wide Proposal! Empty Re: 2020 OSRS Advice Collection Log: A Clan-Wide Proposal!

Post by Catnaros Sun Dec 08, 2019 8:41 pm

I think it's a great idea as well Very Happy

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2020 OSRS Advice Collection Log: A Clan-Wide Proposal! Empty Re: 2020 OSRS Advice Collection Log: A Clan-Wide Proposal!

Post by iNumbersz Fri Dec 27, 2019 4:04 am

Great Idea.
Def keen as ive already been working on doing collection log, just gives me more motivation to get this done!

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2020 OSRS Advice Collection Log: A Clan-Wide Proposal! Empty Re: 2020 OSRS Advice Collection Log: A Clan-Wide Proposal!

Post by Gisrithe Fri Dec 27, 2019 8:23 am

Sounds cool, I hope I will be able to contribute something. After I get my 99rc, I might try to get a unique drop from somewhere just to participate in this before moving on to whatever goal I have afterwards.

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2020 OSRS Advice Collection Log: A Clan-Wide Proposal! Empty Re: 2020 OSRS Advice Collection Log: A Clan-Wide Proposal!

Post by Mpson Fri Dec 27, 2019 9:49 am

I support this idea! Great proposal! Smile -Mpson

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2020 OSRS Advice Collection Log: A Clan-Wide Proposal! Empty Re: 2020 OSRS Advice Collection Log: A Clan-Wide Proposal!

Post by Sappiness Fri Dec 27, 2019 12:01 pm

i fully love and support this idea! If you need help with a google spreadsheet hit me up!


2020 OSRS Advice Collection Log: A Clan-Wide Proposal! YP5zkAJ

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