begging in cc

Shh Gg | Small Pulley
Matt Ross
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begging in cc Empty begging in cc

Post by ladybird2 Tue Feb 05, 2019 5:34 am

Yesterday WeedLove came into cc.........usual story, total stranger to the clan, hard luck story about being hacked. We asked the usual questions about making account secure, and we gave suggestions on rebuild, saying we give advice , not cash.
One clannie did invite him to ge his world, he went, presumably got a donation.......and guess what ...left clan.
I was advised shortly after that the benefactor had been contacted by ranks, and although obviously gifts are at a players discretion, he took on board that it was not something we recommend.
I had WeedLove on my friends list, and noticed him there today, so asked him, why he had left the clan.............he said he thought he'd been kicked!!!............ I told him he hadn't been, and then he asked me what my problem was!
MY PROBLEM IS BEGGARS....we have plenty of low level players loyal to the clan who could benefit from a small handout randomly now and again. Please don't donate to random strangers, possibly scamming, and with no intention of being part of our group, unless you choose to do it privately , it sends a bad vibe and makes us an easy target for more beggars.

begging in cc NuD0cpJ

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begging in cc Empty Re: begging in cc

Post by runtellthat4 Tue Feb 05, 2019 12:20 pm

Well Said....

begging in cc Eoezals

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begging in cc Empty Re: begging in cc

Post by Matt Ross Tue Feb 05, 2019 9:01 pm

Thanks for bringing this up..

Beggers really make me cringe, its really unwanted and shouldn't be supported..

"we have plenty of low level players loyal to the clan who could benefit from a small handout randomly now and again"

Matt Ross
Matt Ross

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begging in cc Empty Re: begging in cc

Post by Shh Gg | Small Pulley Wed Feb 06, 2019 6:30 am

Agreed. I'm not sure if I've just never noticed it but it seems to me like more and more of the playerbase in this game seems to go around world hopping begging as well..

There is Purity in Silence
Shh Gg | Small Pulley
Shh Gg | Small Pulley

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begging in cc Empty Re: begging in cc

Post by Rambo Thu Mar 07, 2019 12:14 pm

I agree, I'm currently saving up some loot for some contests or dp. for lower levels :')

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begging in cc Empty Feel bad sometimes

Post by Saynara Thu Apr 25, 2019 5:08 am

I get what you mean, I was dumb enough to not secure my account properly and i shared that in the clan aswel.

I just feel like I need to tell everyone I'm not out for freebees, but sometimes I need to vent when I lose stuff for whatever reason? It still sucks!

@flexair helped in like the most amazing way possible; he said: I'm on a abyssal task, 50 kills left, if I get a whip it's yours!
We laughed about it but odds are he actually got a drop and gave it to me, felt horrible to accept but its an amazing gesture <3

All im trying to say is, tell me if I'm whining too much, I don't want to be labelled a beggar, will do my best to call others out on it if I spot it! <3

lots of love - Benenes, Dan

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begging in cc Empty Re: begging in cc

Post by Too Thicc Mon May 27, 2019 1:17 am

So, this is coming from an old Runescape player perspective.  Getting any tier gear higher than what they owned will ruin some portion of the game for that player.  This is speaking from an non ironman side of the house, btw.  I've maxed in RS3 and played since RS3 was RS1, technically, and I will tell you that skipping tiers of gear will definitely feel less of an accomplishment than earning it through drops.  I know this because I've experienced it before.  I'm partially jealous when I see Ironman accounts with high end gear because I know they earned it themselves.

TL;DR: Don't give gear out for free, unless you know that person already had said gear.
Too Thicc
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begging in cc Empty Re: begging in cc

Post by 1 Raw Shark Tue Aug 20, 2019 10:12 am

Too Thicc wrote:So, this is coming from an old Runescape player perspective.  Getting any tier gear higher than what they owned will ruin some portion of the game for that player.  This is speaking from an non ironman side of the house, btw.  I've maxed in RS3 and played since RS3 was RS1, technically, and I will tell you that skipping tiers of gear will definitely feel less of an accomplishment than earning it through drops.  I know this because I've experienced it before.  I'm partially jealous when I see Ironman accounts with high end gear because I know they earned it themselves.

TL;DR: Don't give gear out for free, unless you know that person already had said gear.

You're definitely right, nothing will make you appreciate your gear like having an ironman. Even the small things are huge.
1 Raw Shark
1 Raw Shark

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