Origin behind your Runescape name?

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Origin behind your Runescape name? Empty Origin behind your Runescape name?

Post by Azein Sun Oct 14, 2018 12:26 pm

What was the origin behind your Runescape names, past and present?

I've had a few:

Scottish Lion: My first and oldest account, from around 2003/2004, unfortunately I lost the password in the early 2010s. It's named after my family crest.

Leos Revenge/RedJamie/Azein (Present account): I actually found the name Leos Revenge on my original account before the 2008 HD update at a house party. It was the first time I saw bandos armor and the person gave me something like 500k, which was more than my entire bank at the time. I ended up stealing their name when I began playing OSRS regularly in 2014. Red Jamie is named after Jamie Fraser from the book series Outlander, but it contains a spoiler so I'll leave it at that. Azein is just a 5 letter name I found wasn't used across every game I've played, so I use it as my ign for most things now.

Lion Goor: My skiller from 2005-2013.My brother mistook my permission to play on my main as permission to level up my skiller, and so now I have a level 19  skiller  bounce  His name, like my first acc, came from my family crest, and I mispelled the word "moor" which is a biome of sorts in Scotland, and name-changing didn't exist back then iirc. 

Sitas: My ironman, which I didn't expect to enjoy that much but am so far loving it. It's named after Midas, which was taken, and so I tried Mitas, which I think was also taken, so I named it Sitas and went from there.

Origin behind your Runescape name? YP5zkAJ

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Origin behind your Runescape name? Empty Re: Origin behind your Runescape name?

Post by eoinc Sun Oct 14, 2018 12:44 pm

This is my first and only account. my first name was Jimmy420, even though I don't even dabble in that stuff. (I couldn't think of a name). after that my name was DangerNoodl, after the snake of the same name. after that I was able to snag my own name, Eoin C. for a month I changed it to osrs oink, to play along with how people pronounced my name. but now its just Eoin C. plain and boring like me =]

Origin behind your Runescape name? NuD0cpJ

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Origin behind your Runescape name? Empty Re: Origin behind your Runescape name?

Post by Bear Sun Oct 14, 2018 8:10 pm

Faaar too many accounts going back to RSC to list all the names. I have Rivet City/Three Dog, both shoutouts to the Fallout series clearly, and the rest are usually a variation of some sort of bear reference.

I'm somewhat of a large guy so my nickname growing up followed bear references. 'Wee cub' by my mam, 'Bear' by most, 'Chocolate Bear' by some ("Scrubs" reference - had my facebook set to "[First name] 'Chocolate Bear' [Surname]" and facebook locked it as that for changing it too much), 'The Grizzly' when I played highschool football, now simply 'Bear' or 'Grizz' by my wife and a few others. And it has now resurfaced as a meme among the clannies here who have heard my voice and described it as a grizzly that ate puberty. Neutral

Origin behind your Runescape name? 14_04_10


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Origin behind your Runescape name? Empty Re: Origin behind your Runescape name?

Post by papasmurfio Sun Oct 14, 2018 11:05 pm

This is my one and only account, that I made when I was in elementary school 12 years ago. The OG name is Hijinks50, I decided on it after seeing something on tv, and its honestly a great name might switch back. My current name, PapaSmurifo, is my Xbox live username from the mw2 era.

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Origin behind your Runescape name? Empty Re: Origin behind your Runescape name?

Post by ladybird2 Mon Oct 15, 2018 5:17 am

I chose mine as the insect has both lady for female and also bird which is slang for female, and as we are considered almost aliens on this game I decided to make it clear I wasn't a male.
I had no idea what people meant when they asked me about 'King of the Hill' and still do ( although I noticed recently that we were getting it here, but I'm not a fan of cartoons), my only recollection of the name for a person was when president L B Johnson called his wife Ladybird, but I'm English so that has no relevance to me either.My forum pet says it all.

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Origin behind your Runescape name? Empty Re: Origin behind your Runescape name?

Post by Moon Light Mon Oct 15, 2018 5:52 am

Moon Light was chosen by mistake, I was looking up names and I accidentally chose the name, but I later decided I should keep it.

Origin behind your Runescape name? Unknown
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Origin behind your Runescape name? Empty Re: Origin behind your Runescape name?

Post by King_Axolotl Mon Oct 15, 2018 11:43 am

M8. Im the king of runescape.

Origin behind your Runescape name? Siggy11

Origin behind your Runescape name? NuD0cpJ

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Origin behind your Runescape name? Empty Re: Origin behind your Runescape name?

Post by Obsoleete Tue Oct 16, 2018 4:45 am

First ever username was Hamza9999999. I was 8 years old and that's my first name with seven 9s and the reason why I did that was because my cousin who introduced me to the game had his username as his first name with seven 7s attached to it. I have no idea why I chose 9.

After that, I've had a bunch of usernames which I can't really remember, however the one that I use the most across all games and internet forums and whatever requires a username, is Obsoleete or some variation of that name. If it's taken, I usually play around with it and some form or another of that name is available.

How did I get it? Back when I was playing World of Warcraft on a private server, I wanted a simplistic name and so I decided to go with Obsolete. When they merged servers, that name was unfortunately taken so I was forced to choose a different name. My friends at the time advised me to go with Obsoleete, with two ee's in the middle. Every since then, that has been my name for everything.

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Origin behind your Runescape name? Empty Re: Origin behind your Runescape name?

Post by elemntsk8ter Tue Oct 16, 2018 8:59 am

Elemntsk8ter - I was a poser back in the day (6th grade) and I thought I was cool with an Element Water4 board. I actually ran into a guy "Elementsk8er" at one point in Port Phasmatys and we were like.. DUDE!

Anyways - When I played CoD religiously from MW2 through BlOps1 I joined a clan and we were all "state abbreviation space x space call sign". So I was PA x Frosty. I might have an RS account with that name but honestly couldn't tell you anymore. You can find me on Steam and XBL with PA x Frosty.

Playing WoW, every name I had was related to Penn State, but I haven't touched that game since college.

Guild Wars 2, all my names begin with Elder for no reason other than the game had dragons, and elder dragons seemed cool, so Elder.. It's honestly tough transitioning back to Elementsk8ter but is nostalgic as I've had the name for well over decade at this point.

You may see me as Elder.9725 (GW2 account tag) or PA x Frosty (Pretty much everything else) in Plug.dj. Very Happy

Origin behind your Runescape name? YP5zkAJ

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Origin behind your Runescape name? Empty Re: Origin behind your Runescape name?

Post by Lucido Tue Oct 16, 2018 12:24 pm

You all have some interesting origins! My first rsn is pretty embarrassing so I'll skip that one lol but I didn't change it up until 5 or 6 years ago to my current rsn Lucido. I always to wanted to have the rsn Lucid but the owner at the time had no intentions of ever selling it so I decided to try the spanish version of it. I have changed it every now and then to some meme or joke but I always return to it. Different story for my alts lol. Up until two months ago, I was constantly changing my alt's names. Most of them being variants of a job title (11 B, which one of my alts currently holds permanently) and others portraying one of my hobbies which is being a gun bunny (another alt holding that name permanently). Darth Bow, Charles D, and IamGpSlave were some noticeable names they have had lol.


Origin behind your Runescape name? U7euiv5

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Origin behind your Runescape name? Empty Re: Origin behind your Runescape name?

Post by Gisrithe Thu Oct 18, 2018 9:04 pm

For me, no real origin. Not that I am aware of anyways. I just sat there at the account creation screen where you choose a name thinking of what to use. I am so horrible thinking of a name to use for games. But I really like what I came up with.

Just really sat there making random words by just throwing random letters and vowels together until I liked something. ha. I set some criteria for myself. I wanted to have 2 syllables. Not something too short or too long. I wanted the first syllable to be short, 3 letters, so It would have a super easy nickname (Gis). The second syllable being longer

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Origin behind your Runescape name? Empty Re: Origin behind your Runescape name?

Post by CarryAlex Mon Oct 22, 2018 9:45 am


AngeVashes, this name comes from quiet the back story. Originally I used the name "vashanddou" from my two favourite anime characters vash and duo. Then my sister made online accounts called "dark angel" we decided to join accounts on a game called Habbo Hotel and came up with the name "vashes angel", i made an account on runescape called "vashes angel" got hacked and made "vashes ange" got hacked and made "Ange Vashes".

Started streaming decided "Ange Vashes" was too hard for people to pronounce so I just used my first name and made "CarryAlex"

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Origin behind your Runescape name? Empty Re: Origin behind your Runescape name?

Post by Bear Mon Oct 22, 2018 1:42 pm

CarryAlex wrote:Originally:

AngeVashes, this name comes from quiet the back story. Originally I used the name "vashanddou" from my two favourite anime characters vash and duo. Then my sister made online accounts called "dark angel" we decided to join accounts on a game called Habbo Hotel and came up with the name "vashes angel", i made an account on runescape called "vashes angel" got hacked and made "vashes ange" got hacked and made "Ange Vashes".

Started streaming decided "Ange Vashes" was too hard for people to pronounce so I just used my first name and made "CarryAlex"

Vash the Stampede, the notorious outlaw with a 60 billion double-dollar bounty on his head?! I'm a fan Wink

Origin behind your Runescape name? 14_04_10


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Origin behind your Runescape name? Empty Re: Origin behind your Runescape name?

Post by Drew Wed Oct 24, 2018 4:25 pm

Drewbi is my nickname irl. Pronounced "Drew-Bee"

Origin behind your Runescape name? OUwuWDK

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Origin behind your Runescape name? Empty Re: Origin behind your Runescape name?

Post by Pigeon Race Sun Oct 28, 2018 5:00 pm

Long ago I had a second account f2p runner/pure.. Pigeon Racer. An actual hobby of mine growing up where you breed and keep homing pigeons training them as athletes to compete against neighbouring lofts for the fastest time a bird takes to fly home from a common release point. Horse racing of the skies
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Origin behind your Runescape name? Empty Re: Origin behind your Runescape name?

Post by justLush Mon Oct 29, 2018 4:54 am

My RSN comes from my real life nickname. They don't call me Lush because I smell like soap Razz There's nothing better to enjoy while learning Zulrah than a nice cold beer!

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Origin behind your Runescape name? Empty Re: Origin behind your Runescape name?

Post by Maebious Mon Oct 29, 2018 2:07 pm


Last edited by LoneStryker on Sat Nov 17, 2018 11:21 am; edited 1 time in total

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Origin behind your Runescape name? Empty Re: Origin behind your Runescape name?

Post by SoraSpirit Tue Nov 06, 2018 8:34 pm

My first account was Disasta6 - most people called me Dissy. It was named after my email at that time which was disastaboy. Which, came from the nickname my grandpa gave me, because as a kid I had a tendency to break stuff accidentally wherever I went. (I still do).

SoraSpirit6 was created because I wanted to create a Pure, and needed something cool sounded. I had just bought Kingdom Hearts at the time and liked the name Sora, sounded like Soar. The word Spirit just seemed to fit, and thus.. SoraSpirit was born. Had to add the 6 cos Jagex hated me and didn't want me to have a really cool name. >.>

Origin behind your Runescape name? Unknow11

Origin behind your Runescape name? Unknown

Origin behind your Runescape name? NuD0cpJ

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Origin behind your Runescape name? Empty Re: Origin behind your Runescape name?

Post by Elcap Mon Nov 12, 2018 12:54 pm

So I work at a summer camp that of course has lots of cabins, some of the cabins are actually tree houses and are named after mountain ranges, just so happens one is called 'El Capitan'. Hence the name Elcap Razz

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Origin behind your Runescape name? Empty Re: Origin behind your Runescape name?

Post by Azein Sat Nov 17, 2018 3:11 pm

Elcap, if you want to watch something that will make your heart drop, watch Alex Honnold's free-solo climb of El Capitan

Origin behind your Runescape name? YP5zkAJ

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