Its been a while...

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Its been a while... Empty Its been a while...

Post by TurtleClubGamin Sat Sep 14, 2024 9:34 pm

Some may remember me, most wont know me. I'm Turtle CG, no I'm not a Turtle alt  Mad , I am my own me.  Laughing
Coming back after a long hiatus, so I figured I'd make another one of these. I'm starting on the long grind of maxing. Currently it's Construction as you can see in CC right now, then it's Slayer with only 465k left to go. I also only have 1 achievement to go for the diary, so if any irons or newbs need their torso let me know, I have a lot of games to go. I'm off work for a while so I'm free pretty well all day every day. If you see me online and you need to chat I'm always free and my PMs are always open.

Posts : 15
Reputation : 0
Age : 31
Join date : 2021-03-08

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