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Post by TITAN_ROUGE Thu Oct 07, 2021 4:57 pm

Heh, now that I have your attention: Hay. Really old player, started in 2001. Back once upon a time I had the best buyable gear and never bothered with elite void. Now it seems intense pvm clans require that for application. I'm broke now, lent money to a cousin before I quit. He was hacked, but hey, my account, my skills, and my drive are still here but I'm just not much of an elitist old fart.

I guess, really, I am looking for somewhere social to hang out while I play. Even attend events, but not have that hugely intensive "dedicated exactly 57% of your irl life and focus to these 3 things" kind of place to hang out? I suppose even ask questions, I'm not new, but I'm back with a period of inactivity which I think many people can relate to. A lot has changed, I'm not quite a noob but I do have silly questions, and noob questions about what is now current.

October 29, 2018 I was in a really serious car accident. I spent the following 5 months hospitalized without the ability to walk for 3 to 4 of those 5 months. I broke 14 ribs, shattered my pelvis in 5 places, broke my collarbone, shoulder blade, and collapsed my right lung. I had a laptop, and I had osrs. That is where I really started my deep dive into osrs. Osrs honestly was kind of my earth stone, something that kept me grounded while constantly needing to force myself to look up and look towards the future. I can walk again. Yay. I fell away from osrs a bit as I tried to resume normal day to day working life. Worked about 3 months back from recovery from that accident, went to school for 2 months for my apprenticeship, and then back to work for 3 weeks before Covid slapped a giant LAYOFF sticker on my career which is unfortunately now happening again to me. Life is a struggle, work is a struggle, this entire pandemic is a struggle. I have open ears and open time for people who really just need someone to talk to. Which is kind of a big thing for me right now. I think a lot of the world is lonely and locked up with what is going on.

There are a few fun RNG facts about me:
I have......
1kc Kalphite Queen pet.
Beaver at 80wc
Chinchompa at 80 hunter.

Life giveth and taketh away, let's focus on the giveth, I suppose.

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Forum mods hate these 5 things! Empty Re: Forum mods hate these 5 things!

Post by Penny Thu Oct 07, 2021 5:12 pm

Welcome to the clan and the forums Titan, it's great to have you with us. Your experience sounds really rough and I'm sorry to hear all of that happened to you. Similarly I was laid off and have been struggling to find work, which is not unusual I suppose. I'm glad that OSRS has been a bit of an anchor for you though, I can definitely appreciate that sentiment.

This is a great clan to be a part of if you're interested in the game but aren't an incredibly invested and serious gamer Razz We have plenty of people in the clan who do PVM and who are very good at it, but there are no requirements, no time quotas or anything like that. It's fairly casual here even if some of the members are very good at the game. I think you'll like it here.

We have weekly(ish) skilling and PVM competitions as well as a regular Saturday event, and on top of that members of the clan host other events quite a lot. We just finished a PVM bingo which was a lot of fun.

Hope to enjoy your time with us and look forward to seeing you ingame Smile

shut up goats

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Forum mods hate these 5 things! Empty Re: Forum mods hate these 5 things!

Post by TITAN_ROUGE Thu Oct 07, 2021 5:15 pm

Mowp wrote:Welcome to the clan and the forums Titan, it's great to have you with us.  Your experience sounds really rough and I'm sorry to hear all of that happened to you.  Similarly I was laid off and have been struggling to find work, which is not unusual I suppose.  I'm glad that OSRS has been a bit of an anchor for you though, I can definitely appreciate that sentiment.  

This is a great clan to be a part of if you're interested in the game but aren't an incredibly invested and serious gamer Razz  We have plenty of people in the clan who do PVM and who are very good at it, but there are no requirements, no time quotas or anything like that.  It's fairly casual here even if some of the members are very good at the game.  I think you'll like it here.  

We have weekly(ish) skilling and PVM competitions as well as a regular Saturday event, and on top of that members of the clan host other events quite a lot.  We just finished a PVM bingo which was a lot of fun.

Hope to enjoy your time with us and look forward to seeing you ingame Smile


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Forum mods hate these 5 things! Empty Re: Forum mods hate these 5 things!

Post by ladybird2 Fri Oct 08, 2021 4:16 am

Welcome to the clan, you must be very resilient to have coped with all that happened to you, and i'm pleased to get the feeling that despite everything, you have turned things around. I think many of us share your experience that for whatever reason Gielinor where we are fit and active and can be what we choose is a nice place to be as a haven from our reality, especially if you can find a supportive clan like this. I was lucky enough to find it 6yrs ago and have enjoyed it ever since, and meeting all the nice people over the years. I hope it works for you too and is just what you are looking for. The clan thrives on questions, its how I learn most of what is going on, from those who know the answers. There is no pressure here, I have retained my noob status without question whilst seeing any number of friends max out, many of whom are now cant judge a book by its cover ! I am looking forward to leagues again, a short term type of iron with enhancements that I have enjoyed in the past. My pm is always open, and see you in game.

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Forum mods hate these 5 things! Empty Re: Forum mods hate these 5 things!

Post by U H TRED Sun Oct 10, 2021 4:39 pm

Welcome to the clan! I know all about long hospital stays! I can really relate to your experience there. Although my 6 month stay was for something totally different than a car accident

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Forum mods hate these 5 things! Empty Re: Forum mods hate these 5 things!

Post by Syllabic Mon Oct 11, 2021 11:42 pm

Hey Titan, happy to see you making your way over here! Can definitely relate to a lot of the stuff you're struggling with (especially career-wise), although admittedly not in quite the same ways. It's been a tough couple years for us all I think. If nothing else though, it's been nice having this game, and by extension the clan chat, to keep me more social than I otherwise would be. When you're stuck inside pretty much all day every day, logging in to that sense of familiarity can be so incredibly important. It's helped me turn a lot of bad days around, even just a little, since the lockdowns started.

Hoping you're finding CC helpful so far yourself, however that might be Smile

P.S. Yeah, that title got my attention alright! Haha

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Forum mods hate these 5 things! NuD0cpJ

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