Completely new player here (EU) choosing this clan because it seems cool

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Completely new player here (EU) choosing this clan because it seems cool Empty Completely new player here (EU) choosing this clan because it seems cool

Post by Thrilion Tue Mar 09, 2021 8:49 am

Happy to find everyone, I shall do my best to moderate my grind.

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Completely new player here (EU) choosing this clan because it seems cool Empty Re: Completely new player here (EU) choosing this clan because it seems cool

Post by Syllabic Tue Mar 09, 2021 9:38 am

Hey, welcome! Always great to see new people discovering the game. How are you finding RS so far? Thought up any goals yet?

Hope you enjoy our community, and don't forget to ask if you need anything Smile

Completely new player here (EU) choosing this clan because it seems cool Ineeda10

Completely new player here (EU) choosing this clan because it seems cool NuD0cpJ

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Completely new player here (EU) choosing this clan because it seems cool Empty Re: Completely new player here (EU) choosing this clan because it seems cool

Post by Zarthak Tue Mar 09, 2021 10:31 am

Hey! Welcome to the cc and the offsite! If you're new to the game then you're definitely in the right place. Lots of very helpful people in cc always willing to give help and advice. I know they've all been very helpful to me!

Hope to see you around Smile

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Completely new player here (EU) choosing this clan because it seems cool Empty Re: Completely new player here (EU) choosing this clan because it seems cool

Post by Midase Tue Mar 09, 2021 10:46 am

Hey there Thrillion, welcome to the clan. Hope you enjoy the clan and what we have to offer.

Completely new player here (EU) choosing this clan because it seems cool YP5zkAJ

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Completely new player here (EU) choosing this clan because it seems cool Empty Re: Completely new player here (EU) choosing this clan because it seems cool

Post by DabbingBrb Tue Mar 09, 2021 5:22 pm

Welcome Thril! I saw you mention in cc you completed some of the adventurer paths that the game gives you at the start. Well done! I started playing before they came out but I feel like they would be crucial to figuring out a huge game like Runescape from scratch. Would you say your experience with them greatly helped you out?


Completely new player here (EU) choosing this clan because it seems cool Dabna10

Completely new player here (EU) choosing this clan because it seems cool Untitl10

Completely new player here (EU) choosing this clan because it seems cool NuD0cpJ

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Completely new player here (EU) choosing this clan because it seems cool Empty Re: Completely new player here (EU) choosing this clan because it seems cool

Post by The Crux Tue Mar 09, 2021 5:33 pm

hey man, welcome to our offsite and the game in general! Hope you've enjoyed your time with us so far. There's plenty of helpful people in our clan chat that can answer questions you may have. My private chat is also almost always on if you need some help Smile Best of luck to you, hope you enjoy the game enough to stick around!
The Crux
The Crux

Completely new player here (EU) choosing this clan because it seems cool 4068HaS

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Completely new player here (EU) choosing this clan because it seems cool Empty Re: Completely new player here (EU) choosing this clan because it seems cool

Post by Tinnitus Tue Mar 09, 2021 6:08 pm

Hey Thrillion,

It's good to have ya! I hope to see you around.

As others have said, don't hesitate to reach out to any of us if you need anything. Best of luck on the OSRS grind  Happy Pepo

Completely new player here (EU) choosing this clan because it seems cool 4068HaS

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Completely new player here (EU) choosing this clan because it seems cool Empty Re: Completely new player here (EU) choosing this clan because it seems cool

Post by Shh Gg | Small Pulley Tue Mar 09, 2021 6:40 pm

Welcome Thrilion! Glad you found us and good to have you. Game has all different kinds of grinds to enjoy, feel free to reach out of you need anything. See ya around

There is Purity in Silence
Shh Gg | Small Pulley
Shh Gg | Small Pulley

Completely new player here (EU) choosing this clan because it seems cool 4068HaS

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Completely new player here (EU) choosing this clan because it seems cool Empty Re: Completely new player here (EU) choosing this clan because it seems cool

Post by Thrilion Wed Mar 10, 2021 3:43 am

Thanks guys, indeed, so far i finished more than half of F2p quests and just finished the adventurer paths, got all the voucher rewards too from Varrock. Game is nice so far, I will keep doing quests etc. as I am not sure I can make goals for myself at this point, since i don't know what else I should be working towards.
Huge thanks to J ordon for donating me the 40 odd mind runes i needed to get magic from 19 to 20. People were asking me how many THOUSANDS i needed, that was quite fun. I also completed my first trade ever with them.
I intend to only play in small 1-2h increments since my time is limited anyway, and wear the best gear my levels allow. What mostly fascinates me is the history of this game, was watching the documentary over the past few days and I think i understand a little bit more about why this game is what it is and I am just glad a passion prohject like this keeps growing even today with all those modern games around.

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Join date : 2021-03-09

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