
Papi Jase
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Heyaaa Empty Heyaaa

Post by Johno Tue Apr 21, 2020 10:41 pm

Hiyaaa, I'm Xavier (ign) but people call me Johno Smile

I recently moved from rs3 to osrs, so I am still getting used to the new features and people in the community.
I am a very extroverted person, not so much ingame but once in call, I can talk your ear off  Cool  

a little about myself, I am heavy into fitness, I do Strongman, Tennis, Swimming, and hiking. on the side I LOVE cooking (from homemade pasta, to different curries), I am always keen to learn, from irl skills to ingame skills (like bossing or different techniques in skilling).

I am currently an L1 at Google, while studying my bachelor degree in business and in IT, I am 26 years young and counting  Razz

I joined this Cc as a friend had recommended it in general conversation, I would love to meet more people on osrs and discord, and get to know them and their interests Smile

I look forward to learning more about the cc and those in it Milhouse

- Xavier -

Posts : 30
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Age : 30
Join date : 2020-04-21

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Heyaaa Empty Re: Heyaaa

Post by Papi Jase Tue Apr 21, 2020 10:44 pm

Welcome Xavier my aussie bro!

Glad to have you here man, knew you'd be a good fit for the cc. I'm heavy into fitness too, not so much atm due to the current situation though! We should have some banter in the discord some time lol

See you in game buddy

Papi Jase
Papi Jase

Heyaaa OUwuWDK

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Heyaaa Empty Re: Heyaaa

Post by Johno Tue Apr 21, 2020 10:47 pm

I look forward to it <3

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Heyaaa Empty Re: Heyaaa

Post by The_Gamed Tue Apr 21, 2020 11:42 pm

Welcome to the CC, can't wait to see/hear from you!

Quite the resume you have aswell, make sure you snag yourself a smiley by posting in the "Looking for a smiley" section in this thread aswell


Heyaaa 4068HaS

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Heyaaa Empty Re: Heyaaa

Post by This Land Wed Apr 22, 2020 1:45 am

Johno wrote:Hiyaaa, I'm Xavier (ign) but people call me Johno Smile

I recently moved from rs3 to osrs, so I am still getting used to the new features and people in the community.
I am a very extroverted person, not so much ingame but once in call, I can talk your ear off  Cool  

a little about myself, I am heavy into fitness, I do Strongman, Tennis, Swimming, and hiking. on the side I LOVE cooking (from homemade pasta, to different curries), I am always keen to learn, from irl skills to ingame skills (like bossing or different techniques in skilling).

I am currently an L1 at Google, while studying my bachelor degree in business and in IT, I am 26 years young and counting  Razz

I joined this Cc as a friend had recommended it in general conversation, I would love to meet more people on osrs and discord, and get to know them and their interests Smile

I look forward to learning more about the cc and those in it Milhouse

- Xavier -

Hey Johno! Welcome officially to the OSRS Advice community, it's great to have ya join us Very Happy

As Jason said your resume sounds awesome, what is it like working for Google?! Must be lit... All the best with the completion of your bachelor degree in Business and IT, I guess you'll be hoping to retain a position at Google when that all finishes up?

Welcome to the light side of the RS community (in my opinion haha), I think you'll come to really enjoy the game and I hope you make all the progress you want to. On that note, have you got any short or long-term goals for yourself in-game? Seeing as you like both bossing and skilling you'd definitely be interested in the 2 regular bi-weekly events that run here, here's some info on them:
- Boss of the Week (BOTW): Clannies who participate vote on a boss and the winning boss becomes 'boss of the week'. Everyone taking part then try hards for kc and the top 3 podium places at the weeks end win GP prizes! More info can be found on our discord, here's the link: https://discord.gg/osrsadvice

- Skill of the Week (SOTW): Identical process to boss of the week but obviously a skill is chosen and rather than kc being monitored it's the amount of experience gathered over the course of the week. Top 3 podium places also win GP prizes! Here's a link to the thread on this website for more info on SOTW: https://www.osrsadvice.com/t4060-skill-of-the-week

PM is always on if you need anything so don't hesitate to pop me a message with a question or just a hey Very Happy Until then, take care, stay safe and hopefully speak to you soon when we're both online!

This Land
This Land

Heyaaa YP5zkAJ

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Heyaaa Empty Re: Heyaaa

Post by Johno Wed Apr 22, 2020 3:46 am

well it's nice, you're rewarded for your efforts, but is expected to do quite a bit. you will always be a little fish in a big pond aha, for me I'm not sure if I will stay after I finish this degree, Google is great for a resume and experience/networking, as well as using particular jobs to transfer to another position, easier that way as you're already in! Smile

I well I'm enjoying it quite well so far Smile everyone is so nice! My short term goal is to get the fire cape, longterm is to get better overall, and work towards bossing! I'll check out the SOTW, and when I get stronger I'll work towards the BOTW

Thank you very much for the hospitality!

- Xavier -


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Heyaaa Empty Re: Heyaaa

Post by This Land Wed Apr 22, 2020 3:47 am

Johno wrote:Heyaa,
well it's nice, you're rewarded for your efforts, but is expected to do quite a bit. you will always be a little fish in a big pond aha, for me I'm not sure if I will stay after I finish this degree, Google is great for a resume and experience/networking, as well as using particular jobs to transfer to another position, easier that way as you're already in! Smile

I well I'm enjoying it quite well so far Smile everyone is so nice! My short term goal is to get the fire cape, longterm is to get better overall, and work towards bossing! I'll check out the SOTW, and when I get stronger I'll work towards the BOTW

Thank you very much for the hospitality!

- Xavier -

All the best with your fire cape goal, I'll be waiting to hear / see it when it happens!

And again, welcome Smile
This Land
This Land

Heyaaa YP5zkAJ

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Heyaaa Empty Re: Heyaaa

Post by COCOMARBELLA Wed Apr 22, 2020 5:35 am

Hi Johno Xavier

Glad to have you in our clan we are honoured. Oh wow RS3 Ive always wanted to try that and max that after ive completed my goals on osrs. Maybe you can give me a few pointers one day when I do start Smile.

Happy scaping.

Heyaaa OUwuWDK

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Heyaaa Empty Re: Heyaaa

Post by Noctivagous Wed Apr 22, 2020 5:39 am

Hey Johno, and welcome to OSRS Advice.

That's quite the hobby list you have swimming, hiking, cooking, you sound like the Jack of all Trades.

It's a pleasure to have you on board, and i'm glad you chose us as your go to clan/community.

I look forward to getting to meet you in the CC, see you in game sometime.


Heyaaa IIyCd

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Heyaaa Empty Re: Heyaaa

Post by CautiousLiFE Wed Apr 22, 2020 4:15 pm

Johno wrote:Hiyaaa, I'm Xavier (ign) but people call me Johno Smile

I recently moved from rs3 to osrs, so I am still getting used to the new features and people in the community.
I am a very extroverted person, not so much ingame but once in call, I can talk your ear off  Cool  

a little about myself, I am heavy into fitness, I do Strongman, Tennis, Swimming, and hiking. on the side I LOVE cooking (from homemade pasta, to different curries), I am always keen to learn, from irl skills to ingame skills (like bossing or different techniques in skilling).

I am currently an L1 at Google, while studying my bachelor degree in business and in IT, I am 26 years young and counting  Razz

I joined this Cc as a friend had recommended it in general conversation, I would love to meet more people on osrs and discord, and get to know them and their interests Smile

I look forward to learning more about the cc and those in it Milhouse

- Xavier -

Welcome, Johno!

Glad to have you in the community & I hope to see you both in-game and in discord.


Posts : 29
Reputation : 1
Join date : 2020-04-21

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