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Post by stevencsme Sun Aug 11, 2019 10:32 pm

Hello, my name is Steven, I played back when I was 11 and now Im 24. I recently got hospitalized and diagnosed with a sickness and its given me a lot of free time to get back into rs and get max 99s. I never learned much about the game when I was playing before because I didnt partake in all of the content. I just grinded xp. I love not thinking when I play rs and really when I do anything in irl too. Every account Ive owned Ive leveled combat through grinding instead of doing quests. Right now I wanna make a hardcore iron man account because I have a couple of years where I wont have to work or go to school because Im disabled and Im living at home with my mom. Thats why Im joining this site because Id like some advice along the way. I had 99 mining and 99 strength when I played before and I almost had 99 agility but I botted that and I got banned. I had also botted 99 firemaking and woodcutting. The reason why I quit was because pk was taken away, which even though I wasnt doing any of that I was waiting to start it soon. And because I got banned on 4 different accounts.

In my head I figured doing the hardcore ironman by leveling max combat stats first the safest way possible would be the easiest way for me to not risk anything. I could do slayer after Im 126 and nothing in there would kill me right? I know I could level combat while doing slayer but I wanna choose the monsters I level on so in case I DC or something happens then I wont die to the monsters, and like I said I dont know much about the game but I think slayer picks the monsters you have to kill for you so you have to be careful and bring food etc. Im not sure if the slayer skill, and the quests like dragon slayer, all scale to your level or not. So in other words are they easier to do when you have max combat or it doesnt matter?

If I could get max 99s by not risking death at all and not having to do quests really too much(or not risk death by doing them) and still unlock the late game armor and weapons that would be great.

If can learn a good chunk of knowledge along the way on this project I will happily spread my knowledge and share my time with others to help them achieve their goals and get a good head start on the game when I find any players that need that kind of help. I have lots of patience when it comes to working with people and I love to explain things really well and watch people grow into competent practitioners of whatever they were working towards.

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Hello Empty Re: Hello

Post by Syllabic Sun Aug 11, 2019 11:32 pm

Hey Steven! Glad to have you with us (in more ways than one)! I'm sorry to hear that you're under the weather. I recently injured myself and have been away from work, so I can relate in some small way.

It sounds like you've got all of this pretty well planned out already! That's good. It's good to have a concrete idea of what you're going to be working towards. Maxing your account is definitely going to keep you busy Laughing

Anyway, you've made an account on here already. That's good. If you're interested, I'd encourage making a post on this thread in order to get a Smiley rank in-game.

Also, you can check out the monthly lotto thread, and you can find the Discord info here.

Hope to see you around!

P.S. @Stevencsme I was in a bit of a hurry when I initially replied, so I didn't have time to answer any of your questions. I'll let you know now that quests do indeed get easier the higher your level(s) are and the better your gear is. But quests are also very important with regards to unlocking new areas, skilling methods, weapons and armour. Doing an early game quest with a high combat/skill levels will likely cheapen the experience, not to mention the reward.

This is due to the fact that many quests act as an excellent source of early-game experience, allowing you to rapidly gain early levels in skills that would otherwise be rather tedious when starting out. So, I would highly recommend that you start questing as early as possible. There are many optimal quest guides to be found online, and I think you'll find that they feel much more rewarding to do when you're still at the stage of the game where completing them provides significant benefit. The 12,725 Smithing XP acquired at the end of The Knight's Sword quest is much more valuable when your Smithing is still level 1, as opposed to level 50!

Yes, you need to be careful when playing as a Hardcore Ironman, but that's not reason enough to ignore some of the most rewarding and unique pieces of content in the entire game (in my opinion). That said, I've never played an Ironman of any kind, so you may be better served by speaking with one of our many Ironman and Hardcore Ironman members.

Anyway, I know I didn't get to answer everything, but there are other people on here much more knowledgeable than I am, and I'm sure they'd be happy to help whenever you need it. Still, feel free to message me if you need anything. I'll try my best to help.

P.P.S. Sorry for all the edits. I'm really indecisive and I write everything like it's going to be graded when I'm done Razz

Last edited by Syllabic on Mon Aug 12, 2019 6:03 am; edited 7 times in total

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Hello Empty Re: Hello

Post by vit Mon Aug 12, 2019 1:08 am

Hey Steven, welcome to the family! I too don’t like to think if I can help it Wink

If you need advice and a friendly community to help the grinds go a little easier, then you’ve found the right place!

I look forward to seeing you in-game! pirat

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Hello Empty Re: Hello

Post by ladybird2 Mon Aug 12, 2019 5:28 am

Hi Steven, welcome.....you are in the right place really nice helpful people and friendship 24/7 as I know from experience is a blessing if you get mixed up sleep patterns and want to relax.
There is so much in game knowledge in here, you will get all the advice you ever wanted to help you achieve your goals, including sometimes how I do things my way ( which is basically under no pressure and just on a whim). We are a mixed group of maxed and uim, and still the occasional first time player, or returner after many years so there is always someone with a question, and many with answers.
I hope your botting days are over and you now get to feel proud of your achievements. Sorry to hear of your ill health, if anything can make the hours and days go quickly, this can! See you in game............good luck with your goals.

Hello NuD0cpJ

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Hello Empty Re: Hello

Post by stevencsme Mon Aug 12, 2019 3:48 pm

ladybird2 wrote:Hi Steven, welcome.....you are in the right place really nice helpful  people and friendship 24/7 as I know from experience is a blessing if you get mixed up sleep patterns and  want to relax.
There is so much in game knowledge in here, you will get all the advice you ever wanted to help you achieve your  goals, including sometimes how I do things my way ( which is basically under no pressure and just on a whim). We are a mixed group of maxed  and uim, and still the occasional first time player, or returner after many years so there is always someone with a question, and many with  answers.
I hope your botting days are over and you now get to feel proud of your achievements. Sorry to hear of your ill health, if anything can make the hours and days go quickly, this can! See you in game............good luck with your  goals.

Yes my botting days are over. I was sucked into it because at the time it felt like botting blew up out of no where and all my friends were doing it. Meanwhile I just found at level 93 mining and 92 strength that 93 is halfway to 99, so I had essentially just begun the grind. I would rather they have reset all my stats and let me keep my name though.

Thank you for your support!

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Join date : 2019-08-11

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