Drop of the Weekends

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Drop of the Weekends Empty Drop of the Weekends

Post by Too Thicc Mon May 27, 2019 1:48 am

Hello everyone,

I'm not sure if this has been proposed before, but I think these events would be a great way to keep members engaged.

How does it work?

Easy! For drop of the weekend, you have to screenshot the drop via time stamp and the drop needs to be verified by an admin. Drops per boss are accounted by a number based off rarity. For example, a drop 1/5000 is worth 100 points while a drop 1/50 is worth 1 point. The total amount of verified drops will identify the winner.

This event should be played every other weekend in conjunction with skill of the weekend to maximize total XP earned and GP earned through weekends.

I know there's no point systems installed within the clan, but the winner of each even should either earn points towards the next rank, or earn some sort of monetary award.

What do you guys/gals think?
Too Thicc
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Drop of the Weekends Empty Re: Drop of the Weekends

Post by Advice Bot Mon May 27, 2019 10:16 am

I think this could be engaging. As far as the prize goes, since the winning PvMer will probably be making a lot during the period, maybe some sort of nonmonetary recognition is best, ex. bragging rights.

I could see there being a scoreboard that is updated on a biweekly basis to recognize their win.

I could also see this being a bit chaotic to organize and manage, without some constraints. To make it easier, perhaps there could be a rotating theme or boss (godwars, kbd, etc) or item hunt (godsword hilt, wilderness ring, etc).

This could make it easier to keep tally and promote a rotation in the PvM boss.

I'll keep watch over this thread. I like the idea and hopefully a rank can step up to help organize something.
Advice Bot

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Drop of the Weekends Empty Re: Drop of the Weekends

Post by Lokandur Mon May 27, 2019 4:28 pm

Sounds like a great idea, but would take a lot of work and screenshots to keep going, which I think a lot of people would be put off by, there's a lot of lazyscape here.

Have you considered a PvM Bingo in small teams? I saw one on Reddit a while back and it looks like a great idea. You could make one up for some team bosses and people could enter the competition in groups of 2-3.

If you organise that I'll support you and put up a prize Smile

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Drop of the Weekends Empty Re: Drop of the Weekends

Post by Vespolar Tue Jun 04, 2019 9:54 am

I love the bingo idea! I will join that one!

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Drop of the Weekends Empty Re: Drop of the Weekends

Post by KingNightfury Tue Jun 04, 2019 4:44 pm

i really like OPs idea, and if people dont wanna do it cause lazyscape! hey man thats them! they dont get the bragging rights Razz this sounds like tons of fun and im in all the way

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Drop of the Weekends Empty Re: Drop of the Weekends

Post by KingNightfury Tue Jun 25, 2019 4:18 pm

someone wants to do this same kinda idea but as a pvm month Surprised check it out boys, maybe u both can come together to host it Very Happy

Drop of the Weekends YP5zkAJ

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